
Monday, January 24, 2022

Raspberry Kiss Block Swap

 I joined in with a swap!  
The Roanoke MQG is doing a Raspberry Kiss block swap. 
 My friend, Kaillie was joining in so I signed up too. 
 Then I talked my friend, Mel into joining us.  
The three of us are doing a side swap too of rainbow colors.  

These are my fabric choices.  I signed up for two sets of blocks.

I got both sets of blocks made (20 of each)

I then began working on the rainbow for Kaillie's blocks.  I got her rainbow finished!

I got all of Mel's blocks cut out and started. 
 The BAM,  COVID hit me. 
 If you follow me on IG you know that my husband has been pretty sick 
(we started week 5 on Sunday). 
 He went to get a second Covid test for him on Wednesday and it turned up positive. 
 Previously it had been negative. 
 So I scheduled one for me and mine was also positive.
  At that point I had zero symptoms.  
Today I feel like I have a really bad head cold. \
 Whenever I get sick it always settles into my sinuses. 
 I'm not feeling great but no worse than I feel when I get a cold.  
Hoping that it doesn't last long as my motivation to do anything is non-existent.

I'll keep you posted on how we are recovering!
Keep your fingers crossed for a short illness for me.



1 comment:

  1. Sending warm hugs and hot butter rum for you both. Get better soon.


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