
Sunday, February 27, 2022

Musings While I wait

 Up front warning here. 
 I had a few thoughts today when I was at and after mass. 
 If you are not Catholic you may not want to continue to read what I am going to write.  
OK, you have been warned, LOL.

We are heading into the season of Lent. 
 I couldn't help but think about the similarity of the suffering our Lord went through during this season.  I have struggled with suffering and why it happens to good people my whole life.  
As many of you know both of my sisters are handicapped. 
 I am the one that is now responsible for them both.  
Not that that is suffering so much for me as it was for our family. \
 This may be a story for another day. 
 I got to thinking that perhaps God has given this path to me to work to strengthen my faith in him. 
 To show me how to be more  humble. 
I'm certain I am being asked to suffer along with Christ during this Lent for the salvation of others.
 I have always been the caretaker and now I realize that I could not have done any of that without Him.

I was talking with my SIL about this today after mass.  
She told me about the concept of Victim Soul. 
 I had never heard of this before.
  If you have not either here is the definition:

A victim soul is an individual who has been chosen by God to undergo physical, and sometimes spiritual, suffering beyond that of normal human experience
The victim soul willingly accepts this unique and difficult mission of offering up his or her pains for the salvation of others.

It became painfully obvious that God was asking me to use my suffering for the salvation of others.  
My Lent will be showing my obedience to Him by offering up my pain and suffering. 
Kind of deep thoughts, I know but an ah ha moment for me!

OK so that's what was going on in my life today while I wait for the phone call tomorrow to set up the appointment at the Breast Care Clinic. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon sewing on my Sparrows.
They are getting closer to being finished too.
I will take photos tomorrow.




  1. Some people are just meant to be care givers. It takes a special person to shoulder those responsibilities and I guess you are that person. Make sure you take the time to care for yourself and do not be afraid to delegate some tasks to anyone who asks if you need anything. I would help you if I lived in the US or if the border ever really opens. I'm praying for you and your family.

  2. I was raised Catholic, so I totally understand where you're coming from. my own journey with breast cancer had me thinking many similar thoughts.


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