
Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Quick Quilt Retreat

I headed out last Thursday with my SIL, to a quilt retreat in Chesaning, MI. 
 The retreat was at Creative Passions.  
We were in the basement of the big green house.
  We love retreating there.  
Our friend, Cori was not able to join us this year though and we really missed her!  
Mary and I spread out our "stuff" and that was nice too.
You can see my set up on the right. 
 Hers on the left and the gigantic pile of fabric.

I was working on my Ocean Wave blocks. 
 I started these several years ago now. 
 I even cut into my precious Neptune fabric! 
 I thought I had everything I needed to finish up the 8 blocks but alas, I did not. 
 I was missing the white squares for the final 3 blocks.  
Since it was an OOP fabric I had to wait until I got home to be able to cut more. 
 I guess these will be coming with me to NC!

 I did finish the five I had fabric for though.

I brought some old bee blocks I found when cleaning recently.
They were all made from vintage sheets.
I got that top put together.

I joined up with my local LQS during the pandemic to do their block of the week.
I kept up for half of the year then we left for NC.  
I brought the rest of the patterns and fabric to make the rest of the blocks with me.
I finished all 52 blocks!!!  They were super time consuming since they are 8" blocks.

We stayed in for our food and ate what we brought for most of our meals.
This allowed us to continue to sew.  
We got up early and stayed up late.
The one break we did take was to go to the quilt shop.
That always takes a bit of time as Seven Sisters is a little ways away.

We had a great time and got quite a bit finished.
I am leaving on Thursday for NC for 3 months.
Just packed up some projects and we shall see what I get done.
Will be playing with my grandson so not sure.
We will be meeting up with our friend, Kailie at the campground.
She is a quilter and we like to sew together.
Looking forward to all of it.
(Especially seeing GS and getting into warmer weather)


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