
Friday, October 18, 2013

I Can Finally Share This Finish

I have a quilt finish to share with you today that has been done for over a month.  
I could not share it because it was a gift for a dear friend and she reads my Facebook 
which this blog is linked to and the quilt was a surprise.  

A little background.  
I work with 2 other women (Robin and Judith) that I have taught to quilt.  
It has been amazingly fun to have someone to talk to about quilting and fabric etc at my workplace.  You may remember that paper doll quilt pattern I bought quite some time ago? 
 I thought it might make a good heads and tails project and I was right.  
I got it out and made a few of the "girls" and was hooked.  
If you want to make them please go here for the pattern.

I brought the "girls" into the lab to show my friends, 
knowing that once they saw them they would want to make some too.  
We have another co-worker that is a good friend to all of us and she was expecting a little girl.  

The three of us got together and decided that we needed to each 
make a certain number of the girls for the quilt.  
Because they were so much fun to make we all made WAY more than we needed to.  
This meant we all got to choose our favorites of our own and each other's for the quilt.  
Each of us had a signature block as well to represent ourselves in the quilt.  

This is Judith's, who loves dragonflies.

This is Robin's-well duh these are adorable Robins.

And Me? 
 Kind of creepy bunnies. 
 I LOVE creepy and I work with bunnies, big white ones

I wanted to do an outer border of all squares and make it like an I Spy. 
So each of us made a set number of squares from our stash to use in the border.

Of course I had to include a State block = )

You can see the quilting quite well but our quilter, Liz did another fabulous job!  
We had her quilt daisies in the blank blocks and it turned out so cute!!

This was a really fun quilt to make and I would like to make another one for a different friend's daughter when I have time to sew again for myself and not obligations!

I put the quilt together and did the binding and the label.

This is my new go to way to gift a quilt, just tied up with ribbon.

 Just look at little Yasmine.  
So sweet!

I think she likes it!

It is kind of a bittersweet gift as they are moving to California very soon.  
We hope they think of us fondly and that Yasmine's mama will tell her all about the three crazy old ladies that made this quilt for her!  
A lot of love went into this quilt!

You will be missed my dear Flor but Cali is not that far away, so don't be surprised if we come visit!

I am linking up to Amanda Jean's Finish It up Friday too.



  1. BEAUTIFUL quilt! Lucky baby girl :)

  2. that's gorgeous! love the story behind it too.... those doll blocks are SEW fun!

  3. Wonderful quilt, and lovely quilting. Love the fussy cut border. What a lucky little girl to receive such a special quilt.

  4. So beautiful, I am sure this quilt will be loved and cherished.

  5. awww what a sweet quilt. i like how you personalized it and i love the quilting!

  6. What a fun quilt pattern. It would be awesome to use scraps from baby clothes for the little doll clothes! If I had kept enough to do such a thing--but maybe somebody did!

  7. Beautiful job and such a sweet quilt!

  8. My gosh, the quilting really makes the quilt. The paper dolls are adorable, but the lighting in that last photo really give the quilting dimension. Love that it's a group effort, too. Lovely work!

  9. This is just terrific, especially with the quilting! I made a "little people" quilt in the past year but it is just in the flimsy stage. I don't think I have a pic of the whole top (it's twin size) but here it is in process:

  10. Wonderful back story on this quilt Pam--you three ladies are angels!

  11. Anonymous8:54 PM

    that quilt is just TOO cute!!!

  12. What a fun quilt. The baby is soooo sweet.

  13. Pam the quilt is darling... What a lucky little one to receive it! Congratulations...

  14. Here from FIUF! WOW, wow, wow! What a fantastic story and quilt. Congrats on a great gift and finish.

  15. It turned out really beautiful and I'm sure it will be treasured for years and years.


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