Saturday, August 29, 2009

400th Post Give Away!!!

Comments are now closed for this post. I will choose a winner at noon today. Good Luck and thanks for stopping by!!

I told you that I was thinking about what to give away for my 400th post. The past was a few back but it takes me some time to decide what I want to do. I found this beautiful stack of Robyn Pandolph Folk Art Christmas 3 containing 21 Fat quarters and thought they would be perfect!!
Folk Art Christmas 3

If you are interested in the giveaway here is what you need to do. Leave a comment on this post telling me what you would do with these beautiful FQs if you won. If you would like a second chance to win blog about the give away on your blog and leave me an additional comment telling me you did so with a link to your blog.

400 posts, who knew I had so much to say!! Good Luck!

**Just a quick note, well, duh, I forgot to say when I would draw a name now didn't I. Silly me!!
I will draw the lucky winner September first at noon (EST, in the US). Thanks for all the nice comments!!**


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Unknown said...

I love vintage Robyn Pandolph! Of course I'd have to make a quilt with the fabrics because those are 'my' colors!

Cora said...

Wow 400 posts!! How great is that. I'd love to participate in your giveaway. Those fabrics are fabulous. Have a great evening.

jesils said...

Congratulations on your 400 posts. As I'm a great fan of Robyn Pandolph's designs and fabrics, I would love to be included in this draw.

Cora said...

Wow 400 posts!! How great is that. I'd love to participate in your drawing.

Maria isabel said...

i like the fabric, for make the quilt for christms,i leave one link in my blog. Thanks you for the giveaway.
greetings from Uruguay

Noela said...

I love Robyn Pandolph fabrics and am using Holly go Lightly fabric for a Christmas quilt I am stitching now. Would like to make another quilt using the same pattern for my sister. Congratulations on 400 blogs. I am nearing 50. Cheers for now.....

Debbie said...

Congrats on your 400th post!Robyn Pandolf has some beautiful fabrics.

Mary Speek said...

Hi I would love to win the fabrics and congratulations on your 400th post..well done...Mary

KirsiHH said...

Congratulations! Those fabrics are gorgeous. I´ve been planning to make a christmas tree mat and a matching table runner...

MyCretanlife said...

Wow what a giveaway. Please count me in. I would make some lovely patchwork cushions for my settee for Christmas if I won these.

Kerrie said...

Love Robyn Pandolph fabrics. I am currently stitching Gail Pan's free Christmas Wish BOM and these fabrics would be just what I need to finish it off.
Happy 400 Posts and thanks for a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win! I would make a quilt and donate it to my quilt group be raffled for breast cancer research. Will keep my fingers crossed! Meredith

Lisbeth Kraul said...

I would like to make my very own christmas quilt, blenden with some stitchery for my living room

Lisbeth Kraul said...

I would like to make a big christmas quilt for the sofa, in my living room

Helz said...

Well done on reaching 400 Posts... Seriously Gorgeous fabrics you have there ... I owe a good friend a Special Chrissie present how good would these fabrics look !!!

Lilly said...

Lovely fabrics! I would make a makeup bag ^^
Congrats on your 400th post!
Thanks a lot!

Grateful Gramma said...

I love Christmas fabrics! Not sure exactly what I would do with them but I've been working on some Christmas BOM stitchery patterns. That might be a good idea.

miss~nance said...

If I won these fabrics I would make a wallhanging for my dear frieed who is going trhough a very difficult time as her husband is suffering badly from depression, she loves anything CHRISTMAS.


lisailysekil said...

WOW 400 posts - contrats!
I`t should be a new acquaintance with Robyn Pandolph for me an if I win it will be a quilt for my 84 years old mother in law because she always cares a lot of me.Maybe it will be done before Christmas (I hope. Hugs from Lisa Bostrom from Sweden

Micki said...

Oh what lovely fabric! Happy anniversary and what a lovely giveaway!

Melanie said...

Hope I'm not too late -- Beautiful fabrics - I would make Christmas gifts bags to hold presents for my Mom and Mother-in-law. Thanks for the chance to win.

sweetoo said...

"Bravo !" for your 400th post.

If ever I win your amazing collection of fabrics, I'll quilt a huge Christmas tablecloth for family christmas lunch.

Have a nice day,
Sweetoo from France

Mary Burn said...

I hope I am not too late to enter your giveway. Congratulations on your 400th post. I would love to have the fabrics for a gorgeous table runner. Thanks for including me.


Jeannett said...

Y hope am on time, because I am very far from you... Congratulations 400 post...!! that's great. I'd love to win that beautiful fabrics, I don't have where to buy them in my city. Those will be gorgeous for a christmas wall hanging. Thank you.

marjay said...

Oh, I just love these fabrics. I have two new grandchildren who I would make special Christmas quilts for. Thanks for giving someone such a great giveaway.

Mary JB said...

Congrats on 400 posts-- you share so many wonderful things with us....thanks so much.

You did choose a perfect gift - it's beginning to cool down now and thoughts will soon be on preparing for special holidays.

Blessings to you as you continue posting!!!!! Mary JB

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 400!
GREAT fabrics and I can hardly wait to quilt them !
Blessings, JLD

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