I heard recently about a book called One Thousand Gifts. It talks about the things you are thankful for in your life, things provided by God. I think I am going to start a list too as I have soooo many things to thank God for. I am going to try to reach 1000 tings too. Feel free to let me know what you are thankful for and link here with your list! Happy Thanksgiving!!
1-A loving God
2-A loving Family
3-wonderful children
4-amazing cats
5-My mom and dad
6-My sisters, even though I didn't always appreciate them : )
7-Reliable transportation
8-A house to live in
9-My bernina
10-doctors, especially this last year!
11-Sunshine on a cloudy day
12-My wonderful friends
13-My international friends
14-the smell of clean hair
15-The smell of chlorine on a wet swimmer
16-The ability to watch my wet swimmer swim
17-Eye glasses
18-the smell of fresh cut grass
19-The smell of banana bread baking in the oven
21-My washer and dryer
22-My dishwasher
23-kittens and puppies
24-email and the internet
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