December finishes
Christmas stockings

September finishes
More Oven Mitts
August Finishes
Mark and Karly's Wedding Quilt
July Finishes
Baby Dresses
June Finishes
Busy City Quilt
A Little Birdie Quilt
May finishes
Kitten Mini Quilt
Fox Face baby quilt 2
April Finishes
Chenille Blankets
Pumpkin Patch
Oven Mitts and embroidered towels
March Finishes
Cat pouch and pin cushion
February Finishes
Amy and Matt's wedding quilt
January finishes
Vintage Sheet Rag Quilt
Chenille Blanket
Baby Pinwheel
Dreamy Stars
Christmas stockings
September finishes
More Oven Mitts
August Finishes
Mark and Karly's Wedding Quilt
July Finishes
Baby Dresses
June Finishes
Busy City Quilt
A Little Birdie Quilt
May finishes
Kitten Mini Quilt
Fox Face baby quilt 2
April Finishes
Chenille Blankets
Pumpkin Patch
Oven Mitts and embroidered towels
March Finishes
Cat pouch and pin cushion
February Finishes
Amy and Matt's wedding quilt
January finishes
Vintage Sheet Rag Quilt
Chenille Blanket
Baby Pinwheel
Dreamy Stars
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