When I arrived home my DH was putting a HUGE wire basket on my new pink bike for my birthday. He had already installed a cool bell! I forgot to take a photo so I will try to do so tonight and post it tomorrow.
On Friday, my birthday, DD2 came home from college. She had her BFF come over and they made these cupcakes for my birthday. Aren't they cute?

Here they are, so proud of themselves! I finished binding the Star of the Sea wall hanging and gave it to DD2's BFF this weekend. She was thrilled!! She loves my quilts and was so excited to finally have one. I will have to make her a bed sized one, maybe for her college graduation in 2 years? We'll see. I did have wonderful Chinese food (Hunan Shrimp) from Chopstick House. Yum! Then cupcakes for dessert!

I put the sleeve on the back of the Posie Patch quilt and decided to make the label too. I had not shown you the quilting that Liz the Whiz did so now I will do that. First I had to make a label. Since the back is white I decided to color in 4 of the flowers and then make that the label. I still need to find the textile medium to make it permenant but I am pretty thrilled with the results. I know it can smudge, so I put it in a plastic garbage bag to keep it from smudging and to keep cat and dog hair off of it. What do you think of my coloring?

This shows the quilting in the white open squares on the front.

These in the X are through the purple posies on the front, the ones that form the chain.

You can see both of them here. What do you think of the awesome varigated purple fabric I found to use for the binding? I love it, it uses all the purples in the quilt.

Liz did this all freehand. She is amazing!! There are even lines in the petals and leaves! This makes the purple "flowers" on the front look even more like "flowers".

There is one dragonfly on the entire quilt and here he is. Isn't he sweet? I asked for one. He is in a purple patch on the front so you can't really see him there. I might color him it too so he is more visible on the back as well. What do you think about that??

OK, Miss Hallie, this is why my quilt had to go into a bag. She has her arms around the quilt, hugging it as she sleeps on it. I guess even cats can't resist a beautiful quilt.

After she got up, Aiden came over to the vacated bag and slept in exactly the same position, hugging the quilt. This quilt not only has all my love in it but many many kitty hugs and lovin'!

I think this might be my 200th post too! I will double check and if so there may have to be some sort of "give away" to celebrate. I will let you know!