OMG, OMG, OMG!!! I was having a really, really bad day today. I had to take my car in for a new transmission ($3000) YIKES!!! Now if that was not bad enough, and I know this is a small thing, but I needed a new light for the clock in the car. You'll love this, the bulb is $3 and the labor to put the bulb in? $45!!! Hubby told me he will do it but you have to take the entire dashboard down to get to the light. In what lifetime do you think this would really happen? I really miss being able to see the clock in the dark. *SIGH*
Then I had a really really busy day at work today. I got in around 8 and looked up and it was noon already and the entire rest of the week should be just like that. In some ways good but totally non stop for the entire week. Wow, I'm not looking forward to that, but bring it on.
Then I had to weigh in at WW and was dreading that. I did NOT have a very good weekend as far as restraint with food was concerned (gross understatement). But, I still lost. Not much (0.6) but that's ok!! So hmmm this day is looking up.
Then it happened, I finally got to open the mail and guess what? The wonderful, fantastic, talented
Faith sent me a fantastic gift. It just made my day! Awhile ago she had pained a quilt and then hand quilted and embelished it. She used photos of one of my cats, Hallie (Halloween, Hallie for short) as part of the quilt. It is entitled, Witchy Woo and Hallie the Cat and it is fantastic. So, without further ado I will share this fabulous creation with all of you.

Now for the close ups. Isn't she gorgeous? Just look at the details of that quilt will ya?

Oh Faith, I don't know how you were able to part with her but I am just thrilled she can live with me. I put her up right away.

Her face is so amazing. I love all the detail in this quilt.
It is uncanny how much this actually looks like Hal too.

Here is a not so great photo of her for you to compare. Uncanny! Guess who is sitting on my lap as I write this at the moment too? PURR, PURR!!

If you haven't visited Faith pop on over to her blog and say HI, she is a sweet and talented woman and makes a fantastic friend!!
Thank you Faith, from the bottom of my heart. I am so touched that you thought enough of me to share such a precious gift. I will treasure it forever! XOXO