The comments are now closed for this give away. I will be drawing tomorrow and will post the winner tomorrow probably when DH gets home since I want him to draw the winning person!
Most of you saw my post about my purchases from Bunny Hill and how much I LOVE them right? If not, you better go back and look at it. Well Anne Sutton (the designer from Bunny Hill) contacted me by email today. If that was not exciting enough in itself she read my blog (her assistant brought it to her attention, thank you Anne). She liked what I had to say and generously offered to donate a $50 gift certificate for me to use in a give away for one of you lucky winners to use on her website shop! Isn't that amazing? See I told you she is wonderful!! The best part? One of you will win a gift certificate and I get one too! WOO HOO!
Here is what I want you to do. Tell me which Bunny Hill patterns or fabric(s) you love and what you would buy with the gift certificate. Leave it in the comment section of this post. I need to have a way to contact you so please make sure you leave your email address. This will give you one chance to win.
If you want a second chance, blog about this giveaway on your blog linking back to this post. Let me know that you did that too.
Want a third chance to win? Follow my blog. If you already do, just remind me in your comment.
That's it, pretty cool huh? So you should be leaving something like this:
-My favorite Bunny Hill designs are the ones with the rabbits, especially Rabbits Prefer Embroidery.
-I posted about the give away on my blog
-I have loved you forever, Mamaspark and followed your blog from the first! (or just now = )
I will have my DH do the drawing on August 13th my 26th wedding anniversary! Good Luck!!
Got it?? GOOD! Now go forth and spread the word!! And if you think about it go to Anne's blog too and let her how much you all appreciate her generosity!