It's been awhile since I have had time to post. Life has been hectic to say the least! I hope everyone had a nice holiday and is looking forward to 2007. After the U of M raffle was done I didn't think I would want to quilt for awhile, but I ended up making a "quickie" just before Christmas. We were doing a secret santa in our lab and I just happened to draw one of my friends. Well, she is from Brazil and had never heard of the poem "The Night Before Christmas. So I decided to give her small gifts from the poem. I was stumped for the final gift, which is usually something nice. My husband and I were in Shipshewana and I was in the fabric store (of course) and there I saw it. A "Night Before Christmas" panel! Well I *had* to buy it and make a quilt for my friend!! She loved it. So that was my last quilt before Christmas. Since January 1st of 07 I have finsihed and given away 3 more!!

My son has a good friend who was just diagnosed with Lukemia. He is only 15. They played football together. I made him a football field, complete with his number in the corners, "Go Rocks" (the school mascot) quilted into the sides and the school emblem appliqued on the back. It was all flannel so when he has his chemo he can stay warm. Well, we had a little party and all the football players signed the large label and Mike loved it!

The next one was for a raffle of a sister parish. Our priest asked out church group to make a quilt for them and as the leader, it sort of fell to me to get it done. I used asian fabrics and a variation of a friendship star and desigedn it, it was a simple one!

The last one was for a good friend's daughter. She has been having some health problems too. Not as serious of the lukemia (we hope anyway) but difficult anyway. She LOVES Curious George. Years ago I bought a panel that was a soft cloth book of CG. I made it into a quit for her. She loves it!!

I will post some pics of these quilts along with the "Big Ten" quilt, which was the other one I helped make for the U of M raffle. I actually made the MSU and Northwestern, and Big Ten blocks and I appliqued all the centers except Wisconsin and Indiana. We had 26 quilts and raised $11,000 for our charity!

Enjoy the pics and let me know what you think of the quilts!