Well, I have returned from the Big Ten championships in Minnesota. My daughter swam well, 2 lifetime bests! It was really, really cold there though.

This is a photo of my daughter and her teammate with frozen hair! She froze her hair and I am the one that returned home ill! go figure. I did manage to visit some quilt shops while on this little trip. We stopped in Hudson, WI and there was a nice little quilt shop right off the highway! I bought a few things there. Then between prelims and finals, I went to 3 quilt shops in MN. I found a wonderful book entitled, "Minnesota Memories". I loved some of the things in it, like the mosquitos and fish and bobbers! I want to make a fishing quilt for my husband and thought those things would work into it very well.
I finished my siggy swap blocks and now have to write on them and then get them in the mail. I am excited to see what everyone else has done. I will post a pic of mine here later in the week.
I am also working on 4 dresden plate blocks for a friend of my daughter, Shelby's. I got all the "plates" done and they are pinned to the background. I am hoping to get that done soon so I can move on. I need to finish the quilt for my sister-in-law so I can begin to work on quilts for my son and husband. I still don't have a quilt on my bed and that is one of the things I want to accomplish this year!
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