Hey everyone! I know you probably thought I had taken a oong trip or something but I have just been incredibly busy and very uninspired to do any quilty things. This is changing, I am happy to say. I went to the local quilt shop with my friend, Yuki yesterday. The first 2 pictures are of a fabulous quilt that Yuki wants to do. They had this sample made up in the LQS and we both fell in love with it! I introduced Yuki to embroidery when I asked her to make a pansy block for my church quilt group. She really liked the hand work and made an adorable floral embroidered pin cushion. So when we were at the shop many of the embroidered quilt block type things really appealed to her. (They appeal to me too but I am a little more realistic about what I will find time to do!, LOL) Then there is a shot of part of the shop, followed by a picture of Yuki and me. We had a wonderful time. This shop is in Tecumseh, Mi and let me tell you, Tecumseh has everything! After we left the quilt shop we went to the cross stitch shop, the bead shop, the tea shop, then lunch at a BBQ place (Yuji's first time eating American BBQ), then off to the antique store, the winery and last but not least the cheese shop! (Wow, it makes me tired just telling you all about it!) This is all within a square block of each other. We spent about 6 hours in the town.
I also got some fabric for a baby quilt I need to do for our newest niece that is expected in the fall. I loved the aqua and pink combination. What do you thing? The pattern is in the latest McCalls mag, Bowdacious, where there are bows on the quilt.
Last but not least is UFO that I finally made a back for and sent to my LAQ. I thought the quilting was really nice. It made the quilt. I took a close up so you could see the quilting and my favorite block (with the bunnies). I have not decided who this will go to but I have an idea. They don't have a baby yet...but you never know:o)
I saw an amazing quilt on another blog that someone took a picture of. I am going to wait until I have the artsts permission and then I will put up the picture. I did receive her permission to make a similar quilt (no pattern, I will just have to try and copy it, no small shoes to fill there, let me assure you) and I am very excited about that. I actually bought some fabric for it but will show it later, maybe when I actually start the project or maybe when I put up the pic of her quilt.
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