Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Fall Camping

 As you saw in my previous post, most of the weekend was spent worrying about Cole.  We did get out and I did do a little sewing.  This is our set up.  Notice the pet tent?  Cole loves this while Finn, not so much, LOL.

The fall colors were just beginning to peep out.

Laying on this quilt on the couch looking out the window was Cole's favorite past time.  
While Finn just wanted to sleep on the pillow.

We have this sticker on the outside window and it was such a great pic with the reflection of the trees.

My sweet hubby kept asking me if I wanted to sew.  I just wanted to sit and be anxious all weekend, but he knew better.  He kept asking if I wanted my sewing table set up and I kept saying no.  He was like, I'm just going to set up your table.  Then I'm just going to set up your sewing machine, haha.  So just to make him happy I got my stuff out and sewed a few new masks.  I used the new Creative Grid template and it was so easy to use!  I made us each a few new masks but honestly my heart was not in the sewing. 

I made myself a black cat mask with the spooky trees on the other side.
I made 2 more MSU masks for hubby. 
This size is the medium. 
 I think it looks giant because of the angle of the picture.

I guess that having a little "normal" was good, especially as you know, my Monday was not a fun one!



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