Or you can see QQ showing her impression of Vanna White.
"Hey QQ whatcha' lookin' at over in that isle??"
I think it was a "put that camera away" moment!! LOLOL, you know me.
Shopping was almost complete and QQ asks me "here, you want some fabric??"
It was so much fun! Here we are with our final selections. First me with mine (some of my cart was for our friend who lets us use her access) and the other one is of QQ with her haul! We sure do heart our fabrics!!
Don't you just love QQ's expressions?? I think I bring out the best in her don't you?? I was thrilled to get some of Allison Smith's Peacock fabrics at a bargain!! I see a pastel peacock quilt in my future!!
We paid for our purchases and left to get some (late) lunch and then make the long drive home. Although, it never seems very long when the two of us are together, time really has a way of slipping by. I hope that is the case when we drive to PA in a few weeks too.
After we returned to QQ's house we settled up and then down into the basement we went. She taught me how to use our friend's GO that I had borrowed. I am making a tumbler quilt for my nephew and his new wife to celebrate their wedding. I got it over halfway cut out. Here you can see the fabrics I chose along with the stack on tumblers I got finished. I needed a plain green and QQ had some in her stash. I love shoppin' the stash!!!
I think this line is called Natural Effects. I really, really love it. I hope they will too. I had put ribs into the crock pot in the am before we left so went home to have ribs for my dinner.
I am looking forward to the weekend and seeing what new adventures pop up for me! Have an awesome weekend too!! XOP

Lucky You! Do you have to buy the whole bolt, are can you buy smaller cuts? NOT a good place for me to go, I'd be broke!
Where in Ohio is this warehouse? Looks like a great place to go!
just saying I am sew glad I am sew far away from you too....it would not be pretty ....talking my pocket book, credit card...home...lol too funny..
I'd say you two showed remarkable restraint in the face of those endless shelves!!!
What a fun day trip! You could get lost in that place - oh, my which way to turn? Do they give you a map? Enjoy those fabrics.
Now that looks like a wonderful place to visit. How did you walk out with so little?
So where in Ohio? You can't just say Ohio!!!
I'd like to move into that store, lol. Is it all quilting fabrics? There are a couple of fabric warehouses here in MI, but they carry decorator fabrics and clothing fabrics from designers in NY. At $3 a yard or less. Nice, but not for quilting!
Oh wow.. that place looks like SEW much fun!! I think it would be so great just to see all of the many choices! and to see that you chose blue... shocking!! right... LOL.. it sure is pretty though. I would be sure to get myself into trouble there.
O! M! GOSH!!!!! It looks like y'all had fun!
Wow looks like a great time. I think I would be overwhelmed with all that fabric. A couple friend and I are going to Cadillac to the quilt shops tomorrow. One is on our year round quilt hop ticket and the other we just like a lot we have been to it before. I went to the shop in Fremont today to pick up a pattern I ordered that I want to take with me tomorrow and ended up buying fat quarters to make my oldest daughter a knitting needle roll with. I really should cut the pieces out tonight because I am visiting her on Monday and would like to sew it up on Sunday so I can take it with me. I finished one of the blocks for hubs throw last night. Have to re-cut some fabric for the other. The flannel is not as easy to work with as I thought it would be. Have a great weekend!
That looks like one dangerous place to shop.... my oh my...
Glad you had fun!
I best stay away from there. Certainly looks like fun.
WOW you two really know how to shop LOL. Pauline's Vanna pose looked a lot like she was grabbing bolts from both sides of the isle at once LOL. Such fun!!
Oh, I remember my first trip to the distributor's warehouse! The fabrics are fabulous but what got me (and still does) is the BOOKS and PATTERNS. I need more books & patterns like I need more holes in my head, but I just canNOT get out there with at least one new printed item!
Ohio's not that far from Arkansas. I could probably meet you there. :) blessings, marlene
Oh the fun you two must have had!! Dream day :) The quilt for your nephew will be wonderful ... happy sewing!
I thought you 2 were in Paducah! Can i ask you to email me the location of this wondrous place?? i live in Shelby Twp./ Utica area & would love to take a few gals on a 'road trip'!!love to read your blog--keep up the good work! :-)
yes please, where is this place and its name, I have a friend in Ohio.
Just one word: OHH!!!(and drooling..)
whooo fabric heaven indeed and I do love Sparkle and the fabulous purples you have put round himxx
What a neat place to visit, and your tumbler is going to be lovely!
What an amazing place. It's like a "Samm's Club" for quilters, lol. I wonder if they have any more fabric warehouses in other part of the country? Did you havve to buy whole bolts?
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