Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm a Guest Blogger Over At Stash Manicure (Sew We Quilt)

I have a guest post over at Stash Manicure today talking about string piecing. To celebrate I am having a giveaway over here. I have most (20 charms)of the Giddy Charm pack left from my Birdie mug rug to give away along with my left over scraps from my owl mug rug.
Giddy Scraps

Look at this, Jack is even pressing them nicely (not) for you. My caption for this is, wait for it...
Jack in a boxScraps


I crack myself up. But seriously, if you don't mind a little cat hair, and you are never fully dressed with out it, then here is what you need to do to go into the drawing.

You will need to be a follower of my blog and also of Stash Manicure and tell me in your comment. You need to leave a comment here and over at Stash Manicure with this information in it. Tell me something you would like to make with my string/scraps or something about the post at Stash. One comment on this blog and one at Stash. One comment per person.
**Please make sure you are not a "NO REPLY" commenter. ** I need some way to contact you if you are the winner. If you come up as no reply and do not leave me an email addy in your comment, I will just re-draw.

I am looking forward to hearing what you have to say. I will do the drawing on Monday, Valentine's day. Good Luck and thanks for stopping in!!

****Comments are now closed****


webmailaddress2 said...

follower: I loved your tutorial post. Those quilts are amazing!

Andra Gayle said...

I am now a follower. Thanks for the chance at a giveaway!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I've never made a string quilt thingy before. Maybe I would start with a mug rug or a table topper.

Billie in TX

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh, my gosh - Jack in the BOx - laughed so hard. Your Jack looks a lot like my QUEEN - Bella. So no problems with cat hairs here, been there. Scraps make my heart sing and I would be tickled to hare yours dance with mine - also a follower. Sorry , visited Stash first and you second - but I got here.

Jessica said...

I'm a follower of both blogs and I love this idea! Especially the heart - looks great. Also, I would use your scraps to make the green Dresden plate for my wedding quilt :) And probably a mug rug. I don't have a lot of green, so it would be a great addition to my scrap box.

The Nifty Stitcher said...

Hi Pam. I'm a follower of Stash Manicure and I'm so glad because I've discovered your blog! I am now a follower. The mug rugs are fantastic. Thanks for the chance to win the giveaway.

Gill said...

I've come from Stash Manicure1
I now follow you as well!
Thank you for the giveaway

VivJM said...

I've found you via Stash Manicure. Love your string piecing! I am a follower there, and now a follower here :-)

Wivi said...

I´m now a follower here and found you via Stash Manicure. I sew my short strips together to a looong strip and then sew them like you tell. It´s a WISP but will be a tote.

Anna said...

I found you because I am a follower of Stash Manicure! Now I'm a follower of yours! I've never made a string quilt but have been studying them and collecting strings for a little while!

Anonymous said...

Have just become a follower through Stash Manicure.I really loved your tutorial & the L&E idea,which I really didnt understand until reading your explanation. I would use the leftovers in a string quilt that is in this months Homespun & the blues & greens would be a start for my first L&E quilt.

Brita said...

Here's what I wrote at Stash Manicure: I'm a follower. One of my favorite quilts is string-pieced from browns and tans that I gave to my grandson when he went to college. You have spurred me on to make more! While it takes a LOT of sewing, it's perfect for those no-brainer days, like stitch-ins where you want to sew, eat, talk, visit, sew, and not worry about losing your place or sewing something upside down.

And since I visit your blog everyday anyway, I just decided to Follow, too!

Brita said...

Kitty hairs don't bother me -- I have my own personal Quilt Inspector who has to belly-test every bit of the quilting process :-)

Vickie said...

With 2 cats in our house I wouldn't mind the cat hair at all!!! I am a follower and I love the tutorial at Stash Manicure! I really want to try string piecing! Thanks for sharing and a chance to win!

Marj said...

I loved your tutorial and the pictures of the quilts really were inspirational. Thanks! Jack-in -the-box is just too cute! I'm a follower and have been for a long time. Love your new blog design.

Sparky said...

You are a riot..yes Jack in the box, brought out a smile and I haven't had my coffee yet lol...and of course I am a follower of I think I am going to strip some of my very thin strips and make me a girl with an umbrella that I drew the other day...there you have it...

Impera Magna said...

Love your kitty... are you going to send him too? I'm a follower here and at Stash Manicure!

jean said...

Just became a follower of your blog, and am also a follower of Stash Manicure. LOVE all your ideas for string quilting, but expecially LOVE those mug rugs. If I won your prize, I would definitely attempt to make some string mug rugs. Look forward to following your blog.

Lee said...

I love strips - i would love to make some pillows!
I follow you and Stash!

Calicojoan said...

I follow both you and Stash Manicure. I never thought of all the different uses for strings. With applique my passion, I am going to have to incorporate string into them. Eureka your a genius. Now if I win these lovely pieces do I get Jack too. I have his sister (who was supposed to me a boy) and is named Murphy! They would be great playmates! :-)

Deb said...

I am a follower of both blogs, and love your string art quilt, beautiful. Jack in the box is SO cute! I would love to make a wall hanging similar to the heart for my sewing room. Would add some color to that room!

Mommarock said...

Im a follower here and at Stash Manicure.. so I would read either way.. I thought your tutorial was fantastic. I would like to try your method when I get my new sewing machine, and try out some of the stitches.. do your technique, and then on top of them try some of the fancy stitches to make a not so crazy, crazy quilt.. if that makes any sense..

rebecca said...

Fun post and tut on string piecing. I need to put my big girl panties on and design a mug rug. Yours are adorable!! I'm a new follower.

Sarah Craig said...

I've been a follower of yours for a while now! I haven't made a true string block before - just an awesomely easy "faux" string block - but I can see from your tutorial that I may need to do some soon! Thanks for sharing!!

Sara said...

Those scraps look so pretty in the box and would help me out--so here's to trying to win! I love,love that heart idea in the top. Thinking about switching from the postage stamp top to your idea;) You are amazing!! Have a terrific day.

Renea said...

I am a new follower. Thanks for the giveaway and for the great pictures on Stash Manicure. The pictures are an inspiration to me to get started on another string quilt.

Gmama Jane said...

Ok, I need to go dig out some strips I threw away after cutting out my BOM. I KNEW I shouldn't throw those away! I CAN do string piecing after your great tutorial!I'm a follower BTW.
Gmama Jane
P.S. Love your new blog makeover if I haven't told you before. Madame Samm has worked her magic once again!

CarolC said...

I am a new follower of yours (but glad I found you) and have been a follower of Stash Manicure (which is how I found you) for awhile. I love the different designs that can be done with these string quilts with a little planning. Too Cool! Don't know if I'm a no reply so here's my e-mail.

Beth said...

I just became a follower. I am working on the RRCB from Quiltville and would love to do another string in a pinwheel block. I have been seeing those and they are beutiful. Thanks for the great post and ideas.

Dee said...

I am now a follower - love the mug rugs, where did you get the pattern?

marilyn said...

I'm a follower of both. I'd use the scraps for some applique with my Go! cutter for some charity quilts. Love the colors :) cute cat! Thanks for the chance to win.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

I'm a regular follower of your blog as well as Stash Manicure. Thanks for the great tutorial. I will now go bravely on to creating something stringy!

Saska said...

You know I'm a follower...or maybe it's called a Pam-Groopie!
Troy always says a little cat hair or Mom's strings never hurt anybody!

Good job!

Kathy H said...

Jack in the box made me laugh. I am a follower of both blogs. I hadn't tried the string quilts before and didn't really like the ones I had seen very much. But I really liked seeing yours and think I will try this technique. Thanks for sharing this.

Rae Arnold said...

I think I forgot to say in my comment at Stash Manicure that I follow it, but you know I follow both it and you!

I love the look of string piecing, although since I’ve only made two quilts so far, I don’t have quite the scrap stash needed. Well, I take that back; there are a lot of strips left from the bargello quilt, so maybe.

Maybe I can combine strip-piecing with the applique project I’m working on. That would be fun. The woman teaching the class is all about using many types of techniques in this sampler project…

I’m thinking a branch and bird motif. I think strip pieced leaves would be really interesting.

linda said...

i am new to quilting so i think a mug would be your blog

linda said...

meant to say mug rug :(((

Ariane said...

Loved your post at SM. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'm definitely a follower, and would love to win these charms and scraps. Thanks for the chance to win.

Karen said...

As an honorary Buckeye I don't agree with the Michigan quilt, but that is IMPRESSIVE. Glad I added your blog to my Google Reader.

Scrappy quilter said...

I've made tons of string quilts. I'd made another string quilt to donate to my Quilts for the North project. I'm a follower here and at Stash Manicure. Thanks for doing this wonderful giveaway.

Marcia W. said...

I'm a follower of both blogs as MarciaW
I would use these fabrics to (finally) make a stringy mug rug and then use the rest in a little girl's quilt. alternate email mlwright29 (at)hotmail (dot) com

Marsha B said...

I am a follower! I loved your tutorial on Stash Manicure. I have been saving strips of fabric ledt from my other quilts and want to make a string quilt. Thanks for a chance to win in yur giveaway!

Jansie said...

Hi Mama Spark, I am definitely a follower of your blog! If I won the scraps, I would branch out from just string pillows and venture into a lap quilt. Baby steps! ;) Great tutorial, and thanks for the chance to win.

Cecilia said...

I'm a follower of Stash Manicure and I now follow your blog. I enjoyed your tutorial and it was very informative. I would like to try one of these for some of the charity quilts I do. Thanks for the giveaway, the scraps would be a great start for me.

MollyP said...

I already follow both you and SM. Addicted to both as well. :) Your post on string quilting is great, very straightforward. I've only done a small bit of string quilting and really enjoy the finished product. Keep up the good work, lady!

Shannon said...

I am a follower here. I loved your post on Stash Manicure. You gave great instructions. It was nice to have all the pictures aslo. Thank you for the give away. I would love to play with your scraps cat hair and all. That is funny, Jack in the Box. LOL!!

Char said...

I enjoyed reading your post on Stash Manicure. I love making string quilts and have my strings sorted by color.
I'd love to have your scraps to make a table runner.
I follow both blogs.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm now a follower (and of Stash, too!) and while I've never made a string quilt I'm tempted now that I've read your post. I don't know what I would make if I won your giveaway...I'm a "touchy" kind of gal, I need to see the fabric and touch it before I decide! Weird, no? Love Jack in the Box! xo, Nan

Lynda said...

just signed up - found you at Stash today. I am a newbie quilter and would have fun just sewing bits and pieces together to see what I get. Thinking a few solids even whites thrown in to make the colors pop. Just having fun. Would love to win so I could get started.

Leslie said...

I am now an official follower. I'm ready to string along with your give-away.

ShirleyC said...

I'm a follower after reading your string piece tutorial.
I've started saving my "strings" since I learned to do mug rugs.
I have so many projects I want to do and never enough time, but I don't have many small stashes suitable for quilt projects. I would love to make my grands a small quilt.

Jen said...

I loved the tutorial, and I am definitely going to try this. I think it would be perfect for a quilt that is going to get a lot of use and not the "heirloom" quilts that you would be afraid to get dirty. I can definitely see making one to keep in the car or use when going to the park to sit on.

I love following blogs and I follow both yours and Stash Manicure. Thanks for the tutorial!

Julia said...

Such lovely scraps! Thanks for the tutorial. I just made my first string block the other day. It is such a fun way to use up scraps! I am following your blog now and look forward to reading more of it.

Charity said...

I came over today after seeing your post on stash maniqure. Now I am following the both of you. Too much ispiration to miss. I just love your heart quilt! I don't have enough words to express it about now. Have you ever made a white or red centered one?

I think the next thing I would like to try to make is a cathedral window. I just sort of finished the roll cotton ball(no borders yet). So I think I'll take a little break from string pieceing. Mainly because I'm in the middle of a spring semester and I know how terribly it would bother me to have an unfinished project calling to me.

Darlene B said...

I am a follower of Stash Manicure and your blog. I hope to make a string quilt real soon since I also follow Mary's blog. I loved your creative options! (PS I have a cat, too, so I know how they love to lay on whatever fabric pieces might be lying around!)

mags said...

I am enjoying reading through your blog. I just started getting updates from Stash Manicure and am enjoying the exposure to so many blogs and such creativity!

Elin said...

I love both your blog and the one of Stash Manicure! Ggood luck on the drawing!

Nicole said...

I'm a follower of both your blog (I've been a follower for a while now) and of Stash Manicure. I've been thinking about making a string quilt, once I get some of my other projects done. Thanks so much for the great tutorial.

Anita said...

I loved your tutorial, your quilts (and smaller bits) are so inspiring, I would never have imagined using strings as you have. Beautiful! Oh, and I'm a follower...of course.

free indeed said...

I am already a follower. I love working with scraps and just made some heart string blocks for a block lotto I am in. I need a few baby blankets coming up soon, so would probably put those strings and scraps to good use right away!

Deb said...

I just became a follower here and over at Stash Manicure. I enjoyed your post over there, and I'd love to win your scraps...probably a small quilt is what i'd make.

Brenda said...

As I said over at Stash Manicure I am a follower there and here. I might finally get around to making a mug rug with your scraps. I have been trying to think of something all my own for a change. Have a great weekend!

Miki Willa said...

I am a follower at Stash Manicure and here. I enjoyed seeing your leaders and enders projects on SM. I would love this stash to use in a quilt I just designed that needs these colors.

Deb said...

Hi! I am a follower of Stash Manicure and your blog. I love your "Jack In The Box"...but it made me wistful. My little kitty, Thimble, hasn't been home for over 24 hours and I am SO worried. I hope she is just camping out with some nice neighbors. She is very social.

Ursula said...
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Ursula said...

Jack in the box?!? You made me spew my drink. Too funny. I have a cat too and you can't escape the cat hair. Great tutorial. I sent the link to my daughter as she wants to try her hand at quilting. I have made many string quilts just like this and I love them and so did the recipients.
I just became a follower here and at Stash Manicure. I think I'd like to try myh and at making a mug rug with the scraps, if I won (please please pick me :> )

uschbear at gmail dot com

Mary said...

You did a wonderful tutorial. I'm glad you included the part about the leaders and enders. I've done that for years and just can't stand it if I don't have something else to sew at the end.
The mug rugs are just adorable. I've always loved owls as that was my high school mascot. Sounds really ferocious, huh?
I am already a follower, so please put me in the drawing. Thanks for a fun giveaway.

Jeane said...

Your tutorial was great on Stash Manicure. I love cats but don't have one now so Jack could come along with the scraps! I made a few mug rugs at Christmas and my friends really loved them. I think I could make a few more. Scraps never get idle at my house with string quilts always on the go. I must focus on doing the L/D thingy. Thanks for the giveaway.

Quilt n Queen said...

I'll try to work with leaders and makes sEw much more sense than using the binding triangles .....isn't this fun:)

Beverly said...

I'm a follower of both blogs. I really enjoyed your post at Stash Manicure - very informative and such lovely projects! Jack's hair would blend in perfectly with that of my nine (yes, I said nine) cats so feel free to send that box my way! =)

Girltwin64 said...

Is the cat a giveaway to? I to Love cats and if I win I will take a picture of my 4 smelling the goodies due to the lovely cat hair scent!

I can picture it now! Can't you?

Jen said...

Lol, you crack me up too! Cute pic! I'm a follower of both blogs. I would love to makeca string quilt one day. I'm working on making some string scraps! That was a great post!

Stitched With Prayer said...
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Stitched With Prayer said...

Sorry, I forgot to tell you what I would make with the string scraps...duh! Well, as I said over on "Stash" I'm trying to find mugrug patterns so for sure some of those and pin cushions of course, then I would use some of the larger pieces for applique know quilters, those of us that like to work with smaller pieces can always find a way to use them, LOL. And, Oh my word..."Jack In the Box" totally cracked me up, LOLOL. I have been a follower of both your blog and stash manicure for a while now. Thanks for this fun giveaway. Hugs...

Unknown said...

Hey there yes I am a follower of you and Madame Samm is she just not the sweetest lady. But I will be making string quitls for the ladies and children at the abuse center here in TN, I don't know how you feel but there are way to many and they are always in need. Have a wonderful day.

Robin (RsIslandCrafts) said...

I'm a follower here and there :)

I love Jack in the box lol. Your scraps look like they would make cute little crumb blocks.

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower and I'm looking forward to trying a string quilt. Cat hair makes everything better!

Marie said...

I read and loved the posting on Stash Manicure - I a a follower of both sites. I have made several things with strip quilting include e-reader covers, and a couple of bags.

Hugs - Marie

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