Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Avery Turns Two

 I really am behind, so here goes.
It was Avery's birthday last month.
He loves "Dinys" so his party was dino themed.
Here are a few of my favorite pics from the party.

Picked up a used Cozy Coupe and brought it with us all the way from MI!

Playing trucks with papa.

With both grandmas and one of his great grandma's on the left.

Gigi and Papa picked up the balloons.
I had the get the "Diny" bundle.

With his mama and dad.

Probably my favorite photo from all that I took.
He had a blue ring pop and this was when he realized his tongue had turned blue, LOL.

It was such a fun day and I wish I could slow down time.
He is my favorite and my heart.
Gigi loves you Bubba!



BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Happy Birthday!

"Bee" said...

What a precious child!! Looks like he had a "great birthday:)

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