I finally have time to write more about our visit to Madison. This first picture is of my DH and DD2 sitting along the Ohio River looking over at Kentucky. That night there was a balloon light show and I got a fairly good night shot (out of like 30)
At the Ribberfest (yes, I said "Ribberfest", NOT Riverfest) there was a competition and people dressed up pigs (stone ones not live ones). There was an Easter pig, an angel pig, a skeleton "Ham bone" pig and my favorite, Elvis pig...
I managed to get a quick shot of DD1 with her friend from Australia, Miranda. Hopefully her mum will see this too!
I have to tell you that I was quite traumatized by something while we were visiting. DD1 told me not to kill the spiders because they eat the crickets that get into her apt. Sill me, I was thinking Michigan crickets, not Indiana CRICKETS!!! Holy, moley!! DS took me outside to show me the cricket "nest" and opened the dirt celler next to the apt. Well those crickets turned and LOOKED RIGHT AT ME, ahhhhhhhh!! I told him to close the door quickly. I ran to get my camera because I figured no one would believe me when I told them about the crickets. They were HUGE!! and looked like they had mated with spiders, their legs were really creepy!! So here you go, cave crickets, run away in terror!!!
On to nicer things...I decided to walk around the twon so the next photos are some that I took, I don't have time to post all of them. first I saw this neat old barn. Aren't the stones great?
then I went by this cute pond in some one's backyard, and aren't those plants on that legde great? I would forget to water them and they would die.
The downtown is so quaint and charming. Look at this cart of flowers. It made the shop very apealing.
Then, my favorite, Margies!! The quilt shop, tada!!
Looks like you had fun. Do you any pictures of the other pigs? What a clever idea.
Great post, everyone looks happy~ even the crickets! The table runner that you made (previous post) is wonderful!
You've been busy!
Hey, I was in Madison too... Madison, WI!
I love your travel-quilt-family posts.
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