I hate to even go there with a stash report but here goes:
I added 39.75yards while on my trip and I didn't use ANY! (I did add 19 yards of Kona white so I added that into the yards in category.) OUCH that was painful!! (But wait until I share with y'all what I added!!) I could have been so much worse. Someone, and you know who you are, was much worse than I was, but that's a story for another day, LOL. So net stash busted is now a measly 9.5 yards.
On to the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show!
LTW and I left for Bloomington on Wed around 7am. We stopped at 4 quilt shops on our way (more about that tomorrow). We arrived in town at the Courtyard and had a great room, really nice beds. My class was on Thursday morning and I will tell you all about that tomorrow too (or maybe the next day).
Anyway, LTW had class on Friday and Saturday with Marsha McCloskey so I had LOTS of time to look around the show and vendors and I even took the shuttle bus around town to some of the other places to see quilts. Here are some of my favorites from the show:
Dandy Lions was one of my favorites!!
This shows the quilting from the back. Aren't those faces just too cute? Too bad real dandelions aren't that cute huh?
I thought these otters were pretty cute too.
If you look closely you will see the American flag in the oval.
MMMM feathered star!
This quilt was so amazing. The houses in the front are pieced and in the back look like they are painted.
I love some Anne Sutton. Baltimore Bunnies. Maybe someday I will get my hands on this pattern!
This quilt was at a museum and had repros of old green and red quilts. This one was so spectacular in person!!!
Nearly Insane in BRIGHT colors.
I thought this cross was amazing too. I was thinking of my CL's and maybe they could make one along these lines.
I have seen this in a magazine recently but it was really spectacular in person.
I have lots of other pictures but these were my favorites. I will share more about class and show some samples soon. In additon, I have to talk about what I bought too.
I have houses from others to share, a blog giveaway that I won and a meeting with a (soon to be) fellow blogger today, but am running out of time and have to get some more actual work done today so that's all for now. I have a lacrosse parent meeting tonight so no blogging for me! More tomorrow!!
What a great quilt show. I love the Dandy Lions quilt!!! Can't wait to see what goodies you found.
OH WAUW!!!!I love the antique one with the red and green. Sounds like you had THE best time. Can't wait to read your update!
Oh, I'd love to see more pictures of the show quilts, and am looking forward to hearing about the quilt shops, etc. Thank you for sharing so we can vicariously enjoy it!
Sounds like you had a great time! And I don't think Kona White counts as yardage, does it? How can you use other yardage without it? Well, it sounds good to me!
I love the quilt pictures. I always love to see what other people are doing.
I've been waiting for you to get back and see what you had to share with us. I love your pictures. Those flowers are awesome. Looking forward to hearing more about your trip and what you bought.
WOW! This is almost as good as going to the show right along with you. I am sure that we would love exactly the same quilts. The dandy-lions are fantastic! Get some rest, I really don't want your head to explode... :)
Love those quilts and keep going with the losing. We're doing it, oh yes we are.
Beautiful Quilts
Love and Hugs Gina xxx
WOW, I remember those otters - the balls are awesome...
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