I think I also forgot to mention that I bought a beautiful silk scarf from the Hamoung (Not sure of the spelling) booth that was at the show too. These are so totally "my" colors. It is a beautiful piece!
On to the gifts part of the post. I think I told you that I made a new friend through the quilt raffle we hold at the U of M but if not here is the story. I am assistiing run the quilt raffle and Anne contacted me about wanting to make a quilt for our raffle. Her fiancee was there for a procedure the year before and the quilts were up then and she wanted to give back to those that helped her through a difficult time. So we began an email relationship. She made a beautiful quilt (the Alaska themed one, if you remember it) and sent it in the mail to us. We emailed several more times only to learn that she doesn't live far from where I grew up! One time when she and Gary were over at the U we decided to meet up. Funny since neither of us knew what the other one looked like. I was the crazy one trying to describe to the staff in the hospital who I wanted to find but not by how she looked. Well, we found each other and began a "real life" friendship! AWE, I know you're sain'it!! (me too).
Recently they found themselves back at the hospital so she called me and the 3 of us met up for lunch. She brought be some treasures (she did that the first time too, but I forgot to take pictures, bad me!) Now you would think I would be smart enough to bring along a little sum-sum wouldn't you? I'm just not that bright, I'm just sayin'...
Anne had sent me some pictures of some of the recent things she had made and an animal rag quilt was one. Silly me I thought it was a stuffed animal. So she brought me the pattern! For my very own!! Isn't it cute? But you can tell from the photo it is a quilt and it is pretty big. Thanks, Anne!!
We had both seen the Art Binder over at Terry Atkinson's blog and I wanted to make one but have not been able to find the graph pads. Well guess who foind some?? Yep, Anne, and she brought me 2 of them and 3 FQ's. Still the dim bulb that I am I didn't realize until I went looking for the directions that they call for ...wait for it... 3 FQ's!! Slick, isn't she? So I went out and bought the Pellon Deco fusible interfacing (and only that !!) at JAF yesterday so I could try one.
I entered to win on the blog of Sweet Home Quilt Company (a quilt shop in GA, go check out their blog!!) and I won the cute little bag and all the "stuff" you see in it below. The bag is made with a Honey Bun (Moda has these) Looks like an easy one, now I will need to look for the pattern. Any suggestions?
I have to say that I did make the art binder but you will have to wait until tomorrow for me to show you the pictures! I need to go and do some more cleaning. I did some yard work yesterday and it made me realize how much more I really need to do. So for now...have a great day!
The pattern for the bag is at:
http://www.modabakeshop.com/ I think it's so cute. I also have the airplane binder pattern saved to make one of these days. Congrats on your win!!!!
I bought my fabric to make the boys these art binders. I want to make them for Easter. Congrats on your win. That is a very cute bag.
The animal quilt is cute and adorable! You'll love making the binder, the instructions are just great and the finished product looks really good. That Hmong scarf is beautiful, good job shopping!
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