I was cleaning in the stash (yes I really, really was) and I unearthed this cute little wall hanging. I had the pattern and all the fabric together and thought, self, I though, you should do this today. It's all about avoidance of other stuff, isn't it??) Anyhoo, I cut it out. There are 2 fabrics I could choose for the outer border, the first picture is with the tossed cats.

The second option is with the green.

I thought I knew which one I liked, until I uploaded the photos and now I'm torn. Let me know what you think. Which border option number 1 - tossed cats, or option number 2-green plaid?
I need your help people!!
The second one with the cats as a binding
I like the tossed cats...option #1.
Tossed cats, but then I a cat person. hugz xxx
I think the tossed cats are so cute. They would set off the pattern in the panel.
I like one and bind with 2.
I like the first one too !!
I'm leaning more toward the green plaid but then I like green.
Either way it will be cute.
Very cute. I think I like the cats.
The cats definately!!!!
I really, really like the tossed cats. It looks way better!
I like the tossed cats. For some reason it pulls my eyes towards the center of the quilt. I don't know why.
Definitely the tossed cats!
I'm in the Cat Camp. Bind with the plaid.
Jumping on the tossed cats bandwagon - that's going to be cute!
Definitely the tossed cats !!
I love the tossed cats, and I'm not even a cat person!
you KNOW you want the CATS ... go for it!
While i like the colours of the 2nd one i would go for the first one it seems to tie in better
Hugs Janice
I like them both but prefer #2.
I definitely like the tossed cats better. Seems like it balances the whole thing better and it has CATS. Gotta love them cats :)
Love the cats in the border and bind with the plaid! Showcase those cats! Love it!
Tossed cats, that's my vote.
I like #1 - the tossed cats
I think the second one (the green plaid) shows off the cats in the block more. Just my opinion...they're both pretty! :0)
My vote goes for the green, the cat one seems too much of a good thing.
I like the tossed cats but I would not use the smaller cornerstone blocks as it is just too many cats(could that ever be?) but if you use the green the smaller cat blocks would be very nice. I'd love to see what you decide. =!=
I think number one is better. Number two is a little blah.
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