So I am home and you were all right. The surgery was a breeze! They gave me the twilight drugs and the next thing I knew they were asking me if I wanted anything to drink? Diet Coke, yes please! My eye is a little scratchy but otherwise I feel fine. I came and slept until around 7 when they fam woke me up for some Chinese food and then DD took me to quilting. I knew the CL's would be worried about me so I wanted to show them I was OK. Oh aren't these flowers adorable? DD2 (the one at MSU) sent them to me so they were here when I got home! She is a sweetie!

I can already see small print with my new lens. It is still not as clear as the other eye but they said it will be improving over the next 3 weeks. It is pretty good now, so I hope it will just get better and better. I have lots of drops to use but that's ok. Tomorrow I can put my contact back in my left eye so it will be interesting to see how well my vision is tomorrow.
Again, thank you for all your prayers and well wishes it means a lot to me!
Wonderful to hear your surgery went well. And now back to sewing :^)
Oh I am doing the "Happy Dance" for you!!!! wonderful news!
Yahooo! Yes, it takes time but it does continue to improve - I'm so glad to hear this good news Pam! Love the flowers.
I'm very happy to hear your surgery went well. Absolutely amazed you were able to post today!
Please follow doctor's orders for drops and take care of your eyes over the coming weeks. Don't want any infection. But I think you are going to feel better than 100% very soon. I'm sew happy!
Wonderful, wonderful! You can see - and look out world. Look what you did before the surgery and now that you have had a successful one woo, hoo! Look out world here you come.
Sorry I missed that you had surgery, I will pray for a speedy and quick recovery, although it sounds as though your eye is working well already! I love your 'fabric warmers' from your last post, cats are so funny, they look very happy there! xo
I am so glad everything went well yesterday. Let me know how well you see, I need to go to eye doctor again because I am having such a hard time with my site. I actually have to take off my glasses now to focus on anything like the embroidery I did on the butterfly blocks. Thank you for leaving a comment so soon after you surgery and I had to look up Canton to see how close we live to each other.
Hooray for a successful procedure!! It will be strange having one contact in and the other not.
Glad all went smoothly & you are improving keep it up
Hugs Janice
So h appy to hear that you are seeing so well already. Take care!
Good to hear that things went so well! Keep us updated.
Love that rocket quilt and the quilting!
I am still at the "too scared to do it" stage, regarding cataract surgery, even though EVERYONE says it's not bad at all. ( Wahhh, thumb in my mouth!)
I know you are glad it's over. 8-))) Congratulations on bravery.
I have had both my eyes undergo the surgery. It was soooo smooth. I didn't like wearing a patch at night for several days but it protected my eye from poking by fingers or pillows or hubby's elbow. I also had a series of drops. Once past that I found that I used imitation tears at times to help fight the dryness. I love not having to wear driving, reading, walking glasses. I am just wearing 2.5 over the counter glasses for close up work. I have a pair in each room! Oh joy!!! =!=
SEE I told you it would be fine. Now remember to put the drops in your eyes. And as my eye doctor told me "Don't touch, don't touch, don't touch". Get well soon.
What an adorable floral arrangement! Hope you have a smooth recovery!
I am so happy that the surgery went well.
So glad to hear that everything is ok and that you can see once again. I love the baby quilts that you did. Patsy Thompson is at quilt retreat this weekend. Marilyn is trying to get Kay Wood for November retreat. Of course I am going to neither. Oh well. XXOO
Glad to hear your surgery went well, take care of yourself :)
Glad it all went well for you.
I love the flowers
Love and hugs Gina xxx
So glad to hear that you are through your surgery and doing well. You'll be quilting again in no time!
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