If you are looking for quilty content today is NOT your lucky day.
I wanted to share a little story about my favorite of the 5 cats I own.
His name is Jack.
If you have followed me for very long you know my Jack.
He found his way to us one day many years ago now and we took him in.
He didn't know how to purr but would make a sound like "ARRRR"
hence the name Captain Jack (Sparrow).
We had him neutered and when the time came that he could go back outside I let him out.
We didn't see him for a year and a half.
He came back to us in a blinding snow storm, declawed, and has never left us.
He is never far from wherever I am and I love him so much.
He was diagnosed with kidney failure on Thursday.
I am beside myself.
I am giving him subcutaneous fluids once a day and have him on a special diet
(which he hates BTW).
He has gone from 16 pounds to just over 9 pounds.
I'm not sure what is happening in my life at the moment between him and my dad and sisters.
Not as much time to sew as I would like but sometimes life just happens doesn't it?
Please keep us in your prayers.
We lost our dog to this same thing last fall.
I'm not going to give up on my BFF, Jack just yet.
I think we have a few more snuggles in us yet, but it is difficult.
Thanks for letting me share.
I hope a miracle comes through for Jack and that he gets better soon.
Prayers for you and for Jack, I am so sorry to read this Pam; sending you hugs too... and another for that precious fur-baby! You're right, life interferes sometimes, squeezing in some much needed stitching time when you can, around the edges, will help as therapy for coping with all that you have going on right now.
Definite prayers for y'all and Jack. My sweetest, surliest, girliest cat Gwenevere had this same thing ... but with diet and medicine (and a little extra TLC) we kept her for another two years. Enjoy your snuggling times with Jack! *hugs* :)
That is so sad. I really hope he has a few more lives left.
Prayers for Jack and you...
Wonderful story about your Jack. Hugs and prayers for peace and comfort...
What a lucky kitty that he found such a loving home! I'm sure he has enjoyed a grand life indeed with you! I pray for lots more fur hugs for you and your Jack!
Hugs and prayers headed your way!!
My prayers are with you and for Jack. I have 10 kitties of various ages and love them all.
There are few things that ruin our peace more than to have a beloved pet fall ill. I'm really sorry you are dealing with this. We lost our sweet Sable to kidney disease last year, and not a day goes by that we don't remember her with a smile. She was 16, an old lady, but she owned our hearts and we were sad for a very long time. Her sister is still with us and seems to be doing well. I hope Jack stays well enough to share snuggles with you for a good long while =^..^=
Im feeling your grief. I know how serious kidney failure is. It may be Jack's time. My late cat Opus died 7 years ago Nov 5. The weekend of my last chemo. I was sick as a dog at my parents when my dad brought him over from my place. Laying in his basket. I knew it was time, he was in pain. So he passed at 14.5yo All but 6 weeks he spent with me. Love Jack and do the best by him. The hardest thing in life is that our beloved animals do not live as long as we do.
I will be keeping you, your family and Jack in my prayers. So sorry to hear, sounds like you are a little overwhelmed with life. Hope things turn around soon.
It is so hard when our pets get sick---so stinkin' hard:( Just like Freda said HUGS sent your way.
I am so very sorry to hear about Jack. There's just something about big orange cats that is so wonderful - they really are the sweetest boys and just so very, very special! We were blessed with a big orange boy that came to us in a roundabout way too. He, sadly, ended up with kidney problems too. I will keep Jack in my prayers and thoughts.
So sorry to hear about your sweet Jack. These wonderful guys mean so much to us.
Sad about Jack. I've had 3 ginger cats put to sleep in the last 30 years and 3 different vets tell me kidney disease seems to be endemic with ginger cats. They were all around 8 years old but they'd had wonderful lives and lots of love. Jack found a lovely family with you and though it hurts sooo much you may have to let him find peace as my cats only became worse. Hugs xo.
My thoughts and prayers are with you....so hard. My Moses is twelve now, and I know the time is coming that I'll have to deal with this.
Hugs to you.
So Sorry to hear about Jack, I hope you have enough snuggles to carry you thru. My two are now pushing into their 12th year. I worry about them daily. My Duncan is a moaner when you pet him he loves it but instead of purring he does a kind of grunt moan. Hugs and prayers to you and Jack.
I'm so sorry to hear about Jack. My warm hugs to both of you!
So sorry to hear about Jack! Keep pushing to keep him around. My mom passed away five years ago and I "inherited" her cat. I think she's thirteen years old. Somehow I feel still connected to my mom because I have her cat. Weird, I know. When her cat passes I'm going to be super sad, again. Our fur kids mean a lot to all of us. I had a ginger cat like Jack who also had kidney failure. I think cats seem prone to that. Joan T
...sometimes life gives us hiccups we would rather not have to deal with but somehow we get through them. When our pets hurt...we hurt and it hurts a long time after they receive their wings and are pain free. You will now when it is time to give him one last hug and set him free...it won't be easy loosing your BFF... ...today, tomorrow or when ever he no longer has good days...Thinking of you and sending hugs...((((Pam and Jack))))))
Oh Pam...no words, just hugs....
{{{{{{{{{hugs and prayers}}}}}}}}}
OMG Pam...it is so sad our pets can't tell us what is going on. Amazing he left and returned! I will keep my fingers crossed!
OMG Pam...it is so sad our pets can't tell us what is going on. Amazing he left and returned! I will keep my fingers crossed!
OMG Pam...it is so sad our pets can't tell us what is going on. Amazing he left and returned! I will keep my fingers crossed!
Oh, no! Poor Boy. I'll be keeping both Jack and you in my thoughts and prayers.
Wishing the best for you all. he's a lovely kitty boy.
Sorry to hear about Jack, I will keep him in my prayers. We lost our 5 1/2 yr. old Doxie Max to a severe back injury yesterday morning and I'm devastated. There was little to no hope for his recovery and being able to walk again, and I miss him so much so I can understand your pain - hang in there!
Oh I am so sorry. We went through that a few years back with my fur baby, who was almost 18 years old at the time. She did stay with us for about another 6 months once she was diagnosed. Enjoy every day with your precious Jack.
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