Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Happy Anniversary

We had our 30th wedding anniversary yesterday. 
 I can't believe it has been 30 years!  
Time really does pass much too quickly.  
I have been so busy that I have not had time to blog much.  

Last weekend we went to Grand Rapids to move my sister into her new apartment.  
We began on Friday and hubby told me not to make any plans for Friday night 
and that we would be done at 5pm.  
He told me he wanted all my attention for Friday night.  
Interesting...what could that man have planned? 
 He also would not tell me where we would be spending the night 
since we were staying to finish the moving on Saturday either.  

At 5pm we got in the car and began driving north of GR.  
I didn't think much about it but kept wondering where on Earth we were going? 
 To Hardy Dam maybe?  
A favorite spot to be sure.  
No, probably not there. 
 Then the light bulb went off.  

Me:"I think I know where we are going."

Him: "Oh really? Where?"

"Here"  I say

(Winter Inn, Greenville, MI)

He just smiled.
And then I began to cry.

This is the Inn we spent our wedding night at. 
 He not only booked the Inn but the same room we stayed in 30 years ago!

I think this is the most romantic thing he has ever done for me!

Gotta love this man!

Happy Anniversary to my BFF!!  

I hope we can do 30 more!!



Vroomans' Quilts said...

How sweet! Congratulations

Donna~~ said...

How romantic--lucky you to have such a man (and have had for 30 years!)

Gill said...

Congratulations to you both!
What a lovely way to celebrate!

Unknown said...

That is so romantic! Happy Anniversary day after. Many more for you, and so nice to see lovely things like this still happen.

Jocelyn said...

Congratulations!! We just celebrated our Anniversary too. But I'm a few years ahead of you :-) Please take a look at what my sweetie gave me for our anniversary.

dianne said...

happy anniversary!

and what a sweet gesture! which may explain why thirty years has gone by so quickly for you...

krislovesfabric said...

Congratulations to you both :)

Karen said...

So awesome! No wonder it has been a thirty year success :)

My Old Quilting Soul said...

Congrats! Perhaps I can train my husband to be that sweet :)

Fran said...

That is really lovely, what a sweet husband you have. No wonder you cried, I got a bit tears reading this. Congrats!

Quilt n Queen said...

Congratulations...WOW, what a beautiful surprise...that is just as sweet as can be and good for him for keeping it a surprise for you!! Congrats again...wishing you another 30 wonderful years! :)

Michele said...

Just so special. You definitely have a keeper there.

Anonymous said...

So sweet! Congratulations!

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