Thadd's quilt begins
Here are some pictures of the Texas blocks I have made for my son, Thadd's quilt. He is a HUGE University of Texas quilt (but we live in Michigan, go figure.) I have finally settled on a design and I just have to finish stitching around all the longhorns before I can lay it out and begin to put it together. I am quite excited, I think it will be great. The person who runs the quilt raffle at my work was looking at my pattern (mostly my own design) and wants me to try to work with her to make one using University of Michigan fabrics and colours. Now, for any of you that know me, a die hard Spartan, this will be difficult, but it is for a good cause, I suppose I can...I think it may actually end up in our "Art Auction" so I will keep you posted and you can go to the auction site in Novemberish and bid on it! (If YOU like U of M that is, lol). If anyone wants to see the quilts we raffled last year go to www.pathology.med.umich.edu/charity/ That will bring up the charity page and you can see the quilt raffle quilts for the past few years, but last year was our best yet! Let me know what you think of the quilts and if you could find mine...
Gotta run, LAX calls.
Hi Pam, thanks for stopping by my blog. My boss would LOVE that UT quilt as he's a big fan. too bad we live right in the middle of Aggie land so he has to be careful about showing his orange colors. LOL!
You asked about my cats. I currenlty have 4 inside and about 6 or 8 outside. They come, I feed, they stay, they reproduce. what can I say? I'm a softie.....
Love those UT fabrics (if I have to choose a Texas team, I would choose A&M though... I lived in texas for far to long...)
At a local show several years ago, I saw a Spartan's quilt that was made up of scrappy rail fence units. (She drew the mascot much like you would draw a simple cross stitch pattern, then sewed it up...) It was very nice & effective.
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