I put my doll quilt in the mail today!!! I wanted to show you guys some pictures but you can't see the label because I have written on it. (Something needs to be a suprise!) My cat Hallie really seems to enjoy it. You know what I say, "You're never really dressed until you are wearing cat hair". I hope my partner is not allergic. If you look in the corner you will see my, now trademark, stamp. My friend from Japan, Yuki, carved the stamp out of stone and if you look really really close, you can see that she carved my name in Japanese in the corner of the stamp.
ever since I received the stamp, I have used it on all my quilts. So if the label is ever taken off, the stamp will tell anyone that it is my quilt! Isn't that neat? My friend Liz, did the quilting on her long arm. She did it all freehand, she is amazing!
Enjoy the pictures and let me know what you think of the quilt...
Beautiful quilt ... fantastic quilting ... and I love the Japanese stamp. THe kitty is adorable, too ;-)
I'm not sure if the little quilt is red/yellow or fushia/cream, but I DO like it. What a clever, and simple pattern. But I REALLY like the stamp!
This is so pretty. I love the colors, and the quilting is beautiful!
I love your quilt!! The chickens are CUTE!! And a little cat hair never hurts LOL
So, who broke the news to Hallie that the quilt wasn't staying? It's precious, I love your stamp, too!
Oh my goodness! You have absolutlely delighted me with your beautiful Spicy Chicken doll quilt. Elaine, it is red/yellow... warm, like autumn and absolutlely gorgeous. I love it, so does my cat! Thank you Pamela and Elizabeth. I have posted more pictures of it on Chickenblog... and I hope lots of people will take the time to come admire your incredible work. Spicy Chicken has come home, and it is treasured and loved.
Wow, your doll quilt turned out really lovely. What a lucky partner.
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