I think this has been the most eventful weekend of my life! On Friday this lovely package arrived from
Very Mary herself. If you remember I send her 53 pounds (yes you read that correctly) of "vintage" (aka recycle) magazines found in my dad's basement. So Very Mary has sent me something she made from those magazines. That cute little paper booklet on the left. She also found a crapton of the fabric on the right at the thrift shop for only 25 cents! What a deal. Thank you very, very much, Maryann! I have something in mind to use the fabric for even as I type this. Now you would think "Wow, what a way to begin the weekend," right? And, Yes it was but...

DH and DS have been out looking for a car that DS can use this year. They were thinking Mustang, I was thinking way cheaper that Mustnag. You can't override the genes of a just turned 50year old and a 17 year old shopping together now can you. I believe it was mere folly on my part to think we would have anything other than exactly what we got.
Yes let me introduce you to Mustang Sally! She is a 2005 Mustang GT convertible and she had only 18,000 miles on her and she is now OURS!!!

This is just trouble, you are thinking? You might be correct. DS took her up north on Saturday to meet the family. The DD's and my dad and sister were going to my dads "up north" place. Well, DD1 calls and says let me talk to dad. Hmmm, why do you suppose that ws? Because DS got pulled over going...anybody want to guess??...95! He must be the luckiest guy alive because the police officer did NOT give him a ticket!!! Can you believe that? BUT...and it's a huge BUT...I think (hope) DS realizes it now. We told him this car has to be the most boring car ever to drive because it is such a cop magnet. Now he gets it (I hope). Needless to say when he arrived home yesterday, he told me that he drove 55 all the way home and had old people flipping him off for driving slow!! But, he said, "At least I looked cool!!"
So everyone...meet the newest member of our household...Mustang Sally!! Welcome to our family, Sally!

Whew, you might think the fun ended there, right, but no. I uploaded these in the wrong order so this is what I did on Sunday. DH and I went to the Michigan Renisance Festival. Isn't this swing neat??

Many of the people attending dress up. There are people that work there that dress up too. This was the bag piper in the front of the parade.

This man had a Griffin on his shoulder and it could move and everything!! DD1 has one of these, they are very cute!

He was a giant kind of guy on those stilt things.

I walked around and looked at many things. I found some Christmas gifts (can't show you though as those are for some people that read this blog! I was delighted to find this little Hedgehog pin cushion. Isn't he the sweetest thing?

In the same booth there was this little fighting mouse. He has an acorn top for a hat and for his shield. He also has a toothpick for his sword. Adorable. They had a little bunny on a stick, well the stick was coming out of it's head and there were feathers coming out of the bottom of the figure and he was a ...Dust Bunny!! Ididn't buy him but if I make it back I sure will. Super cute!

Now on Saturday, I spend the day cutting out needle cases, for the craft show, for some lucky Christmas gifts and whatnot. I got some of them sewn together but ran out of batting scraps for the inside. I figured out that the cotton batting works much better than the polyester stuff but I only had a little bit of scrap of that. I need to get the velcro for the closures too. I think I cut out about 45 of these and got maybe 15 done and waiting for the velcro. Not too bad.

This last picture is for
Faith. I went to the grocery on Sun when we got back and wanted to get some cheeses that we had not tried before and saw this one. It is from the city where she lives, Leicester!! Small world, huh? It was excellent cheese!

Ah, now it is to the more mundane things that I have to do to get ready for the week. I need to do laundry and clean up a bit. I have to run some errands to get stuff for "back to school" for my DS too. Poor Dh he left this am with a load of the girls "stuff" to make deliveries all over the state. First to E Lansing to unload some stuff and pick up DD2 then to GR to get DD! and my dad's BIG van and go to the storage unit to unload and reload. From there to EL to unload the stuff from GR, back to GR to drop off the van and then home. He left around 9am this morning and will probably not be home until late tonight. He is a good guy to do all this for his girls. I hope they appreciate his effort!