It was Christmas morning and DD2 was opening her gifts and what do you suppose she got from mom and dad? Why a Galapagos Island Kelsey!! (Really a Barbie that I changed to fit the occasion, LOL) She thought it was cute. The highlight of her Christmas was her new underwater camera!!

I have had loads of people asking for photos of the antiques I got in Holly so here they are. I got these in my stocking. This is a walnut sewing case. It is the size of a walnut. It is metal on the outside and lined with velvet on the inside.

Inside you can see a thimble and a needle. (I beleive Mrs. Goodneedle has one of these) In addition I got this cute(I mean creepy) little Dutch girl porcalin needle case. (Annemiek, is this what the needle cases look like over there??) I love them both.

This is a photo of our tree with "Jack on a box".

Now you are in for a treat. The story of the Christmas stockings. When my DD1 was born I made an elaborate cross stitch stocking for her and it is beautiful. It took a LONG time to make, but what the heck it was just me and DH then so it was ok.

In the following year I even found the time to make the companion stocking for my DH. I waited anxiously for the next pattern in the series to see if I would be able to make it for the future. I began making the next really complex one and got about a third of the way finished when they published another one and it was a little girls room (our second DD was already born then so I fell in love with the little girl's stocking.)

So I began working on it. And working on it, and working on it until I finally put it away. Now by this time my son was born and there was NO WAY I was making one of these beasts for him! OHHHHH NO, I am not doing that when the DD's stocking is still not finished. So I made appliqued stockings for the two of them and one for myself. Every year DD2 would ask me if her stocking was finished. "That's what I want for Christmas, is my stocking finished". "But you have a beautiful appliqued one from me". I would take it out and do a little and then put it away. Until she enlisted the help of my friend, Ellen. That woman can nag like no other!!! (I really do love her but DANG!!!)
Isn't DS's stocking cute??

Big surprise here, this one is mine! Well, between DD and GF NAGGING and NAGGING I finally took it out. I realized that I had only (yeah, right ONLY) the backstitching to finish and then to put the stocking together. So 3 years ago when DD was a senior in HS I ...

FINALLY FINISHED THE STOCKING!!! Here it is to prove that I finally did it. I didn't tell her, I just hung it up so she found it on Christmas morning!!

I really do love my son, but there is no way in Hades I will EVER make another one of these!
I have my Christmas gifts to share but I need to go and do some laundry and run some errands, so maybe later today!!
They are beautiful. If son starts nagging send me the pattern and I'll make it up for him. You needn't tell it'll be our little secret.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Oh the stockings are great and cross-stitching takes so long to do dont they. I love the applique stockings they are great and you have given me some ideas in what to do for next Christmas what a great idea!
Wow! Those stockings are wonderful. I don't know if I'd have the patience anymore to do such detailed work, but I sure appreciate the beauty and work in them. Your tree and "Jack on the box" are beautiful, too. Happy New Year!
Lol...I have one of those started adn I totally understand why it took you so long.
The stockings are great and hurrah for you that you've finished them all!
About the needlecase: never saw one like that: it's funny! The only needlecases I've seen (in a quiltshop) are plain wooden ones. I think this is "Dutch girl for tourists" She wears the headcap from the village Volendam, from which the world thinks it's typical Dutch. Nevertheless: very cute!!
Oh, my, I'm thinking about all the hours of work you put into those beautiful stockings. I'm sure they are appreciated.
Love your tree. I imagine there is a story to go with every one of those ornaments. I love to tell the grand kids about each of our long as they stay around to listen!!!
Thanks for the visit.
Those Christmas stockings are so beautiful! It is such a relief when one finally finishes a project. The Island Kelsey, I like it! I have a couple Barbies hanging out in my bedroom.
Oh my! That is so gorgeous! It was worth waiting for I'm sure!!! I bet this is going to passed along for generations and generations.
Too funny! I have those Cross Stitch and Country Crafts stocking patterns, too and have also made a couple. The only one I have in my possession right now is one I started for my son when he was 5 (he's 23 now). I was just thinking I should finish it but take his name out and stitch Noelle or something generic like that and then make another so at least I have a pair. I just might do that now that I've seen yours :) Love your Christmas tree.
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