I told you I would show this and I finally was able to get a photo when DH wasn't around. Isn't it great? DD2 loved it too. I had a Longhorn one commissioned too and will get a photo later. It is a painted glass block with lights inside of it.

We had our Christmas party with all the CL's on Tues night. Here they all are (minus me as I was taking the photo!) What a great group of women!!

Speaking of wonderful women, this fabulous group of pressies was sent to me by my friend Faith who lives in the UK. Isn't that bunny the cutest little thing?

For those of you that remember
Witchy Woo (the Halloween quilt
Faith made) the pin cushion and the little needle holder and bag were made by Faith with bits left over from the quilt. It is so special to me because she painted my cat, Hallie on the quilt!

She also sent some fabulous cat fabrics with adorable pictures of cats on them and some with paw prints too. See that little beauty in the lower right hand corner? I think that would make some really great dragon scales too!! She also included some cook books that I am dying to take a look at. (I've been so busy I haven't even had time to open them up yet, but soon!) Faith you are such a good friend and so generous with your time and talent. I feel truly blessed that you are my friend! Thank you so much for the great gifts which I know came from your heart!
We are supposed to get a HUGE snow storm tonight 6-10 inches and again on Sunday. I got the Sparty quilt back from LTW and finished the binding last night at the CHV quilt group. It is a good time to do hand work. I have a Christmas Party tonight for my work and that should be fun too. I probably won't stay too late but it is usually a fun day. I was so caught up in what I needed to take to the party this am that I left my sweater at home. I ended up walking in the door here at work dressed all in black!! It is a nice christmas sweater so my friend, that I work with is supposed to drop by my house and pick it up and bring it to the party.
More later...
I hope your sweater arrived so that you looked appropriately festive! Ha!! Love that glass block, oh my... and your gifties are just delightful! Merry Christmas, Pam!
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