The comments are now closed for this give away. I will be drawing tomorrow and will post the winner tomorrow probably when DH gets home since I want him to draw the winning person!
Most of you saw my post about my purchases from Bunny Hill and how much I LOVE them right? If not, you better go back and look at it. Well Anne Sutton (the designer from Bunny Hill) contacted me by email today. If that was not exciting enough in itself she read my blog (her assistant brought it to her attention, thank you Anne). She liked what I had to say and generously offered to donate a $50 gift certificate for me to use in a give away for one of you lucky winners to use on her website shop! Isn't that amazing? See I told you she is wonderful!! The best part? One of you will win a gift certificate and I get one too! WOO HOO!
Here is what I want you to do. Tell me which Bunny Hill patterns or fabric(s) you love and what you would buy with the gift certificate. Leave it in the comment section of this post. I need to have a way to contact you so please make sure you leave your email address. This will give you one chance to win.
If you want a second chance, blog about this giveaway on your blog linking back to this post. Let me know that you did that too.
Want a third chance to win? Follow my blog. If you already do, just remind me in your comment.
That's it, pretty cool huh? So you should be leaving something like this:
-My favorite Bunny Hill designs are the ones with the rabbits, especially Rabbits Prefer Embroidery.
-I posted about the give away on my blog
-I have loved you forever, Mamaspark and followed your blog from the first! (or just now = )
I will have my DH do the drawing on August 13th my 26th wedding anniversary! Good Luck!!
Got it?? GOOD! Now go forth and spread the word!! And if you think about it go to Anne's blog too and let her how much you all appreciate her generosity!
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 297 Newer› Newest»Love your post about your giveaway :-). I would either put it towards Rabbits Love Chocolate, or a supply of that heavenly DMC applique thread.
How generous of Anne to offer a certificate! I'd have to say Postcard Cuties for Winter is one that I've had my eye on...and also Catch a Christmas Star. Oh but if I won the certificate I would definetly get one of her heavy duty pin cushions!! I'm in dire need of a new one and just haven't really found "the one" that would work...I mean, really take abuse! I'm off to post this on my side bar too...and I'm a follower.
okay - i have my list ready - Bitty Squirrel and Tutti Frutti and When the Frost Is On the Pumpkin and applique thread ... i've posted about you AND this giveaway AND i don't know how to follow but i read your blog EVERY TIME YOU UPDATE IT (even when there's a picture of a creepy spider) ... so just let me know when i can place my order (snicker) ...... and congratulations on making it in blogland!
I like a vintage Christmas. I will post about you on my blog this evening.
-My favorite Bunny Hill design is definitely A Vintage Christmas - it's the cutest ever!!
-I have loved you forever, Mamaspark and followed your blog from the first! (or just now = )
I am a follower & as I mentioned the other day, I would buy Baltimore Bunnies.
I LOVE Bunny Hill and love their free BOM. I haven't started it yet but faithfully print it out each month for a future project. I love the Vintage Christmas and Bitty Squirrel. SO CUTE!
I came via Mary at Quilt Hollow.
I love the Vintage Christmas pattern!!! My 11 year old grandaughter is doing the Free BOM and can't wait to see the new pattern each month. If I win..we both can get a new pattern!!!!
BJ in Ga
Wow what a GREAT giveaway! I just love Bunny Hill patterns. I like Dolley Garden, and Picnic Time, and Garden Party. And oh, yeah, throw in the beautiful Chelsea Manor Fabrics......... Thank you Anne for being so very generous. Now I want to know what Mama Sparks is going to use her gift certificate towards :-)
And now I am following :-)
I just finished your Autumn House so I am ready for yours truly.
If I win the gift certificate, I'd love to get the Garden Party quilt (I'm partial to scrap quilts and bright colors!) and/or the Angel Houses colors and charm pack. I found several things I like, and thank you for directing me to this site!
It was fun to go have a look at the Bunny Hill site - so many wonderful patterns. I liked Candy Cane Lane and I'd have to get some Chelsea Manor fabric too :0) Enjoy spending your gift certificate!
WEll this is exciting! I'm saving her patterns for the tiskat a tasket bom and would like to buy the embellishment kit if that becomes available, and I'm eyeing the Autumn house BOM as well. What I'd like to see are some kits using the wool she sells....I've not worked with wool before, but would love a crash course with an easy kit...if you'd like to pass that idea on to her.
I just became a follower. Looking forward to what you share with us in the future. Love all the inspiration I find on the net.
WOW...how exciting! Okay here it goes...
#1-I LOVE the Chelsea Manor line of fabric. In fact I'm going to use the red spirals on cream as the sashing for my Nearly Insane quilt. Not sure what I would buy yet as I have almost everything already...lol
#2-I am going to post about this giveaway on my blog right now.
#3- I just became of follower of Mamaspark...yeah!
Thank you for offering such a generous give away. I would love to win a $50 gift cert at BunnyHill.
Hi there, Just wanted to say "you're welcome!" LOL
Oooh, I have been coveting Rabbits Prefer Chocolate for a looooooooooooooong time. Almost anything with bunnies would be great. :D
There is no way to pick one. I am drooling over ALL the brown and cream prints, but especially the alphabet. OOH! How fun!
Wowzers! Well, I would get Rabbits Prefer Embroidery, some Cosmo floss, and the Angel Fat Quarter Bundle Winter. Oh yes. See, I have it spent already.
I just figured out how to follow, and that it will show up in my google reader, so I'm now a follower - and I've posted on my blog with a link back!
Now off to thank Anne for the lovely offer!
Love that "Frost on the Pumpkin" pattern and an assortment of the DMC applique thread would be the bestest thing! I do follow you already... :)
Hmm. It is hard to choose! I think I'd like to buy the Cream and Sugar pattern! That would certainly be a challenge and I'd just love to spend MANY nights stitching away on it.
I don't know how long I have been following Mama Spark but I've enjoyed chatting with you too!
Thanks for calling me over!
I really like her current bunny block of the month. Another pattern I really like is the Candy Cane Lane, and the Vintage Christmas. What can I say, I'm a sucker for Christmas prints. :)
I would purchase a kit--the uptown baby in blue.
Oh!! That is kinda hard to pick you must know....ummm...I'm sure the 1st thing I get would be the "Postcard Cuties for Angels" quilt pattern, Angel Houses Fat Qtr. Bundle and the Bunny Hill Cosmo Spring Collection....this would just be the perfect little quilt for my newest niece Enjolie!
Now I'm off to make sure you can be found from my blog and set up to follow yours!
I have done several of her patterns but I am working on Rabbits Prefer Chocolate now.
I do not have a blog so I cannot have the 2nd chance but I am subscribing to you right now. :)
I love the Bunny Hill range particularly the "i love angels " materials and have posted about this on my blog and are a new follower
Anne Sutton is a very accomplished designer and I have loved her work long before I knew it was she behind the work.
I would probably use the gift certificate toward the Uptown Baby Pink & Brown Kit. I love the Uptown Baby pattern and I'm sure if she picked the fabrics for the kit, the baby quilt will be fabulous.
Thank you for conducting the giveaway.
And, most of all congratulations on your 26th wedding anniversary. That is quite an accomplishment. I didn't make it to mine. (I know have a true sweetie who really loves me!)
Thank you Quilt Hollow for the intro to Mama Spark's!
-I really like the Leafy Branches on Brown.
-I have just become a follower
-I am going to blog all about this generous giveaway
August 13th just happens to be my birthday so maybe I'll be lucky!!
Oh my, how could I pick just one of Anne's patterns? I love all of them. If I was forced to choose, I would have to say A Vintage Christmas (my answer would probably be different in an hour... lol)
My favorite Bunnyhill pattern is Baltimore Bunnies. If I win the gift certificate I would spend it on some of Anne's wonderful fabric.
Oh I love so many things at Bunny Hill! I think I would choose her Simply Hearts pattern. It's just lovely! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
Wow, how lovely is Bunny Hill.. Thank you for the introduction. Im swooning over Angel Fat Quarter Bundle Winter...I would love to get started on Christmas stockings with this fabric!
Thanks for th chance.
Krousegirl2 at aol dot com
My favorite patterns at Bunny Hill are the Snowmen. If I were to win I would choose the Postcard Cuties for Winter and the Snowman Country patterns.
I've added a link back to your give away on my blog and I am following you via Bloglines if that counts.
On Bunny Hill I love the polka dot fabric and that's what I would buy. Why? Because I have never made anything with polka dots and I love a challenge.
I love fabric -- the Angel fat quarter bundle looks adorable. thanks for the chance.
My favorite Bunny Hill designs involve squirrels and ducks
I am now following your blog (heard about it from Karen at Quilts... etc)
I just love Bunny Hill Designs! If I won I would love to get the Chelsea Manor FQ pack, and the silver carrot charm, and I also just love the Vintage Christmas BOM. And their wool FQ are just the best... and how could you not just love everything Bunny!
And I'm now your follower...
Cheers - Shari
I think I would have to go for the Chelsea Manor Fat Quarter bundle and maybe add a yard or two of Timtex.
I love the red and whites in the Chelsea Manor, and since I almost always buy blue, this would be a great change for me.
Oooh, I didn't know you could follow a blog like this! (Okay, duh.) Now I'm following this one.
This is great. :D
Oh, and I'm going to mention this on my Amazon blog, too. Woo hoo!
Check it out here:
I would buy the pattern for Strawberry Hill and maybe a little fabric too.
I actually love all their patterns.
How generous of Anne at Bunny Hill!! Everything there is beautiful!! But I would like to do the Block of the Month for the Pumpkin Hill pattern so that is what I would put the certificate towards if I win!!! I can be found at Thegoodlifeatmyhouse.blogspot.com and my email is Barbieberg@gmail.com. and I am now following your blog!!! for sure~!
I love the I Believe in Angels fabrics and would use the gift certificate to buy as many of them as I could. I'm happy to become a follower of your blog.
I love Bunny Hill designs and really want to do the BOM with the rabbits in baskets. I have each copy, the desire, but just haven't started them yet!
I just became a follower!
Love Bunny Hill designs and am hping my name is selected for the Cream and Sugar pattern. I love this one very much.
Wow, what a great giveaway! I love the Baltimore Bunnys, so pretty. I would be a selfish girl and buy all the patterns she has, lol. Thank you, Elaine from Texas
I am now following your blog.
Ohhh.. she is wonderful.. WOW... what a wonderful thing to do...:o)) ANd so much fun to find a new blog!!
*I added myself as a follower.. ( Fun)
* Will post about it on my blog as soon as I have written this!!
*Oh my gosh .. do I have to chose.. I just love almost everything... her fabrics are to die for... so is the patterns.. and the PINCUSHION she is having.. love it..:o) Favourite patterns of mine is.. Tutti Frutti and Flowers for Emma!! and lots more!!
Phheeww.. that was hard!! :o)
I love Bunny Hill Designs! I'm doing their free BOM block this year and love it!
I liked the Flowers for Emma projects as well as most of their BOMs!
I'm a follower too!
Wow! What a great & generous offer! I love the red Chelsea Manor fabrics.
I'm following!
Anne is so generous to offer a gift certificate! I have quite a few of her patterns but one that I really love is Baltimore Bunnies. If I won your giveaway, that would be the one I would buy. I have been a follower of your blog and I so enjoy reading and seeing the things you do. Thanks for the offer.
I love the Lecien Basic Dot fabric. And I would buy the Angel Houses Fat Quarter Bundle.
Thanks a lot!
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br
I am a new follower ^^
I believe that I would get those Dovo 5" applique scissors, I LOVE scissors.
I have posted about the giveaway on my blog.
And, I am already a follower :o)
What a wonderful giveaway! Would have to choose the 'Simply Cottage' & 'Buttons & Bows' patterns & maybe throw in the 'Postcard Cuties For Angels' for good measure!
Thanks -
Barbara in TN
What a wonderful gift! I would definitely lay in a supply of their gorgeous wools. :-)
I've mentioned you on my blog (www.secretsoforganizedpeople.com) AND I've started following your blog.
Thanks for all the chances to win!
I am not a blogger, but read blogs daily. Being an avid Bunny Hill fan, I love the pattern I'm currently working on, and that is Vintage Christmas. (I'm half way thru), Have done many of her patterns big and small and love them all.
What a hoot, I love your post. I've finished all the stitching for Rabbits Prefer Embroidery but I'm stuck with putting it together, I would get the Chelsea fabrics so my quilt will be complete at last.
I have signed on as a follower. My goodness, I've never gone to Bunny Hills site. How wonderful. And can I only pick one? Yikes. For practical purposes, it would have to be wool. Otherwise, some of the Soire fabrics.
Thanks for offering this.
What fun for you to have Bunny Hill offer this great prize!! You must have been thrilled to hear from Anne herself!! It was great to be able to go to Bunny Hill and imagine what I might be able to use the gift certificate for - it's so much fun to window shop and I'm so darn good at it! OK - here's my wish list: Snowman Country - I've always wanted to do a Christmas quilt; Darned Cute Bag - I've just made my first bag and I loved it; and lastly the Bitty Squirrel pattern - how cute is that?!
Thanks for the chance to dream :)
Forgot in my last post - I just became a follower :)
How COOL is that! and check out all your comments~wowza! totally awesome :) Count me in, please:
1. I like the Cary Me Bag, Jelly Roses and Pumpkin Jubilee
2. I posted about your give away
3. I follow but not formally on the list :)
My favorite one is Tulip for Beginners. I love the colors in this quilt. So happy and bright. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Well this should show Bunny Hill how much we all love her work, I am doing the bom A Tisket, A Tasket, and I love the pattern about chocolate and bunnies, with a gift certificate I know I would buy that one, but it is hard to chose when you love them all.
Opps, me again, I forgot to tell you that I don't have a blog, but I follow your blog each day.
Perfect timing! I just finished the Angel Houses quilt for my little granddaughter at 1:10 this morning, then got up made the backing and got it off to the quilter by 10:30 a.m. I'll definitely put up a link to your blog and a link to the giveaway on mine. I also posted a pic of the quilt taken at 1:00 (unfortunately, the flash wiped out the true colors...) I would really like some of the bag patterns from Bunny Hill, especially the Darned Cute Bag Pattern. It would make an adorable diaper bag.
I have loved the Baltimore Bunnies for such a long time. It would definitely be a purchase for me.
I've been a fan of yours for a long time and keep up with you on Google Reader but I'll do my part for a second chance to win by signing on to follow you. And I'm going to go post to my blog now.
Oh my - so many choices - I love Arnie and Autumn House and Rabbits prefer Embroidery. I love everything.
I've not been a follower before - I just today found your blog through Crispy - but I'll certainly be a follower from now on - I have had fun exploring.
I love the Angel House panel and the fabric line, so sweet! I can see myself making a lovely quilt for one of my grandaughters with this.
Thanks for the chanc eto win such a super prize.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
I have happily joined as a follower.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
You know I'm a fan and subscriber of your blog, but I have officially become a follower, too ;-)
I can't resist a Christmas quilt, so I would choose All Things Chrismas if I won your fabulous giveaway. What fun!
I hope you're enjoying a terrific Michigan Summer–I confess that I'm a little homesick in all this Texas HOT . . . but I'm not complaining because I finally have a JOB ;-)
I am follower since my friend Pat has spoken of you so often. Lurking, not commenting, I guess.
How sweet of the folks at Bunny Hill to extend their offer! I adore their basket BOM but can't decide if I want to do the redwork version or the applique so keep printing off the patterns for now.
A Vintage Christmas particularly catches my eye but so does All Things Christmas and I Believe in Angels.
Happy Anniversary to you in advance!
Hi, I was sent by Crispy - I never knew Bunny Hill before, but I've been admiring Crispy's cool little houses, so I'd buy the autumn house quilt kit and a fat quarter bundle of angel dots, since dots are always useful. It'd be my first real applique project and my first pattern to follow, too :) Maybe I'll be lucky!
Hey, I linked to your post: http://cuttingedgequilt.blogspot.com/2009/08/plug-for-give-away.html
Oh I just loved the Simply Cottage pattern..but also the Darned Cute Bag and Table Treats for Spring...Oh,I so hope I win!
I just love the sweet pea pattern, having three grand daughters, I would have to buy enough fabric to please them all!
thanks for the wonderful give away!
WOW! What a giveaway! I would most likely get Pillow Party patterns! The Christmas #2,Pumpkin Jubilee, Valentines, The Sunshine Garden Pillow. Or maybe some Chelsea Manor in the reds. Mmmmmmmm
I am now a follower of your blog!
Awesome that you're doing this giveaway on my birthday August 13th! Happy Anniversary to the 2 of you :^)
My favourite Bunny Hill design has to with pumpkins and houses, especially Autumn House pattern. Love her Darned Cute bag, Little Jelly Bags and the Carry Me Bag.
I posted about the giveaway on my blog.
And I'm a follower of yours :^)
Thanks for having this awesome giveaway!
My favorite design is the angels.
I don't know how long I've been following your blog, through bloglines, but it has been a while.
Hi - nice give away thank you for the opportunity!
I am a follower now.
Making a comment here - I love Rabbits Prefer Chocolate, and would purchase fabric to go with the embroidery I am working on Rabbits Prefer Embroidery. I have wanted to purchase the fabric and have not been able to because my DH has been unemployed since January :0(
Will include your information in my blog this evening.
Thank you - fun idea and very generous of both you and Anne Sutton.
I love and would buy the Angel Houses Pink Dot, Angel Houses Purse, Soiree Yellow Floral, and Soiree Multi Stripe fabrics :) Blogged and following with Google Friend Connect. *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I love Rabbits Prefer Chocolate! Good luck to everyone who entered!
My fav is Madison Runner for my table. I would buy French General Labels & Stickers and 3 1/2" Dovo Embroidery Scissors. Thanks.
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
What fun. I am now following your blog. I am still so new to this world. I blog on my work place's site but still do not understand how to link things or list our site for someone to link to it from here. Check out: www.theatticwindowquiltshoppe.com to go to our new blog.
I love Bunny Hill Designs and am saving the A Tisket, A Tasket bom this year - hope to make it next year. My Favorite pattern is Catch a Christmas Star. Wish this and the basket bom were kitted up.
I also love all the beautiful wools they carry.
Thanks for this great chance to win thru your give away.
I follow your blog
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I'm starting to follow your blog today - found it through Craft Gossip. :)
Wow, so many nice treats there. I love the bitty bunny pincushion pattern and I'd also scoop up some of the GORGEOUS Crepe Myr Wool and a couple yards of European crochet trim.
Oh dear, so many pretty desirables - I would love to make the Bitty Bird Pincushion many times so I would have to get the pattern and supplies for several.
Rita E in AZ
requilt (at) yahoo (dot) com
Undoubtedly, "A Vintage Christmas"! It is absolutely the most beautiful design I've ever seen. There is nothing missed when we think of the Christmas holiday. Is there?
Thanks, Gloria
hooked.quilting (at) gmail.com
I love the Baltimore Album Bunnies BOM. I would probably buy the fat quarter bundle of dots and some of the Chelsea Manor fabric. Please count me in. Thanks! debbiesther at gmail.com
I have become a follower of your blog.
I have written about your giveaway on my blog! http://debbiesfiberwork.blogspot.com
Hello .. Nice Blog .. :)
i would get the Bitty Dog pattern and the fabric to go with it.
Hi Pam,
This is SO exciting!!
First, the Chelsea Manor Fat Quarter Bundle is calling my name. Also, I like the Vintage Christmas and Strawberry Hill patterns (actually, I love them all).
Second, I have blogged about this give away on my blog.
Third, I have already been following you for quite some time now.
Plus, I have put a banner at the top, plus a link, to your blog give away on Crazyquiltgirl Fabric Shop website. It will show up on all pages of the website, near the top. I will have it there on and off until the drawing on the 13th.
Thank you for doing this giveaway!!
It's Chelsea Manor for me! or maybe Vintage Christmas...hmmmm.
Wow! I love all the Bunny Hill designs but probably would like the Strawberry Hill pattern for my win. I have the BOMs but haven't started on them yet. They are adorable. I have recently become a follower of yours. And since I have no blog, I guess I lose that point.
Congratulations for winning the gift certificate. I would love to be entered in your drawing. Bunnyhill designs are so adorable they are all my favorites, but I would have to go with "Autumn House" because I've been wanting a fall quilt or "Rabbits Prefer Chocolate" as I'm a chocoholic.
2 points total, I for commenting and 1 for becoming a follower.
I love the Bunny Hill patterns, adn would love to join your giveaway. I just found your blog, and I am now a follower. I have also posted about your giveway on my blog.
Thanks for a great giveaway!
What a great way to find something new! I really loved Bunny Hill's carry me bag pattern and the soiree fabrics to make it with!
Please enter me in the giveaway! Thanks to you... to Bunny Hill... and to Anne.
I really love thier Little Jelly Bags & Vintage Christmas BOM. I also am a follower now = 2 Thanks so much for having this giveaway!
I would love to win and if I did I would pick the Garden Party pattern and use then by some prints from Chelsea Manor. I also really like the angel border dot and cream flowers & Dots prints.
I love Bunny Hill too--I just have to place the binding on my Baltimore Bunny quilt and it is ready for a quilt show! I know exactly what I would by with the gift certificate: the Rabbits prefer Redwork quilt pattern and the itty squirrel pin cushion! These are on my wishing list! I have added you to my favorites--for I know if you love Bunny Hill--you will be havings some wonderful postings!
Hi Pam,
I love your post. I love Bunny Hill Designs. She is so generous. I love her tisket a tasket. I would use my gift certificate to get fabric for my tisket a tasket. I am so glad that you introduced me to blogging. You know that I follow your blog and many others that you have on your blog. I have so much fun.
Good Luck with your give away.
My favorite Bunnyhill pattern.......
Rabbits prefer chocolate......I have machine quilted several of these and each and everyone was a blast to do.
Thank you,Karen
goldenneedle at agwireless dot net
Happy Anniversary Pam!
I am a huge fan of anything bunnies! However, if I win the gift certificate, it would have to go toward the Simply Cottage pattern and the fabric to make it. :)
I also just started to follow your blog!
I already follow your blog, I will add a post to my blog about the giveaway. I would buy fat quarter bundles of all the different fabrics. I love their pincushions and free patterns.
love the chelsea manor fabric and the postcards for summer and spring quilts. thanks for bringing my attention to another great designer!
I would start out with the Vintage Christmas and Tutti Fruiti patterns and an assortment of flosses. I am adding you to my bloglines. Take care and God bless, Cory
I absolutely love, love, love Bunny Hill Designs. It would be a difficult decision for me to select what I would get, if I won a $50 gift certificate to Bunny Hill Designs. They have so many delightful things.
Hymm. I'd love some of their delightful Satin Ribbon. And their pattern "Postcard Cuties for Winter" is perfect for the upcoming winter season. But It would also be special to make birthday gifts with their cute pattern "Party Cakes". But ahh, I'd love to buy their quilt kit to make "I believe in Angels".
But I'm sure whom ever wins this fun give-away will certainly have fun with what ever they buy from Bunny Hill Designs. I know I would.
sweet bunnies! I already have Rabbits Prefer Chocolate...waiting for me to make it...and I shall!
I would like to get Autumn Houses and either a Postcard Cutie or Bitty Squirrel. Wouldn't you love to see that sweet squirrel when you head to the sewing table in the morning?
I would have a list of likes from Bunny Hill - tp of the list would probably be the patterns Charlotte's Cottage & Confetti. But I'm also loving Sunshine Garden. I'd also have to stock up on some Chelsea Manor fabric & a bag of brown shell buttons!
Chris x
I LOVE Bunny Hill and have been trying for a couple months now to decide what patterns I want the most - i'd like to have them all. I am esp. fond of her applique patterns and am making/following her free basket applique of the month - she is so talented. I will certainly post about your giveaway on my blog so everyone can have a chance to win such an awesome give away and I'm thrilled to have found your blog - I will be following it.
How thoughtful and generous of the both of you!!! I love Vintage Christmas, Postcard Cuties for Winder, Snowman Country and Catch a Christmas Star.
I guess you can say that I really love Christmas! It must be the New England location!
Ooh, I would get the Cream & Sugar pattern, the Bitty Bunny pincushion pattern, and then some of that wonderful blue houndstooth wool (I have the pink houndstooth and it's lovely and sooo soft)... oh, and some more of those wonderful shell buttons in the cute little bag. I don't have a blog, so I posted a comment about the giveaway on Anne's blog. Finally, I have loved you forever, Mamaspark (at least since this afternoon) and have followed your blog since 3:00 central time and become one of your most loyal fans :-) Thanks!
My favorite Bunny Hill designs are A vintage Christmas, Rabbits prefer Chocolate and The Bunny Run!
I have followed you for a while, and just signed on as a follower!
Thanks for the opportunity!
I would get wool fat quarters. I would love a chance to win!! Love the tisket tasket patterns
How lovely! I just found your blog, linked from Bunny Hill, but I think I will be back for sure! I've become a follower. I am also just starting to quilt and have begun making baby quilts to send to an orphanage in China.
I love her Chelsea Manor designs and would make some placemats, I think!
What a very generous giveaway! I love all the Bunny Hill bag patterns and recently purchased the Jelly Bag pattern from Keepsake Quilting on vacation. Their Soiree line is so cheerful. I would use $50 to purchase lots of their fabric and perhaps a new bag pattern!
I'm also a follower and will add this giveaway to my sidebar.
Thanks so much to you and to Bunny Hill too!
LOL I don't have to tell you what a tough decision it is to pick Bunny Hill favorites. I love the Bunny Hill designs. :) I think I would get the Cream and Sugar pattern. I really like the Baltimore Bunnies pattern, too. The Uptown Baby Kit is very nice also. This is my first visit to your blog and would mention you on mine if I had one. :) I got here through Quilt Hollow's blog.
I love her Carry Me bags! I actually love it all~ I will add your give~away on my blog!
Congrats on the gift certificates!!!! I love Anne's new fabric line Chelsea Manor. I'd probably want to buy the fQ bundle. Good luck! Great give-away! Enjoy!
Anne Thank you so much!you have a generous spirit!! I have truely enjoyed your pattern Atisket a tasket.It would be so hard to pick just one thing from your website but It was Rabbits prefer chocolate that lead me to your site so That is what I would buy with my cert. if I win!!!!!Thanks soooo much. Ronda
Wow! Look at all these comments! I love "Rabbits Prefer Chocolate" and am working on it still. I think I would buy "Pumpkin Hill" since I love, love, love the quilt. I will post on my blog and I signed up to be a follower. What a GREAT and FUN post!!!!
Well, I haven't read your blog before, but I did sign up to follow it! I have the I Believe in Angels BOM already. If I were lucky enough to win, I would get Bitty Squirrel and Pumpkin Hill. I love squirrels, and Fall is my favorite time of the year. I know that is more than $50, so I would kick in the rest! Thanks to you and Anne for doing this.
I have not followed your blog before but Anne at Bunny Hill said you were giving away a $50 gift certificate to her shop. I pick the Cream and Sugar pattern but all her fabrics are super.
Thanks for including me in your giveaway.
I'm a reader of Anne's blog so she's the reason I'm here. Happy Anniversary!!! Oh boy...I'd love the Vintage Christmas and Itty Bitty Squirrel pincushion. I love Anne's whimsical style.
Just been over to Anne's Bunny Hill- thanks for the chance to see some great quilts and projects- can't decide on a favourite but love the "postcard cuties for spring" and "summer" and cause i'm now a grandma am thinking about the "lucky ducks" and the "5 for brunch" - (i love bunnies too) thanks for the intro into a fantastic blog - yours is great too and Happy Anniversary on the
13th- we've been married 32 years this October.
I love Anne's embroidery bunny designs! Plus I'd love one of the wool pieces and I'd like to try the Cosmo embroidery thread - everyone raves about it! Thanks for the opportunity to win...
And I'm now a follower of your blog...
Wow love all bunny hill designs and fabric, I especially love applique patterns! I would porbably spend teh money on patterns and some yum wool she has on her site.
Sorry, dont have a blog, and dont know how to do teh follow thing/ entewr once i guess plaesa!!!!
Wow, what a great give away. I have done several of the Bunny Hill patterns and have always wanted to do Rabbits prefer Chocolate and just have never purchased it. That is the one I would want. I will post a link to your blog from mine and will definitely become a follower.
That is so cool that she emailed you...you must have thought it was great. I would love some Chelsea Manor materials and no one around here has carried it. Thanks for the contest.
I love Bunny Hills!! I love the Angel Houses fat quarter bundle.
Mmm, I think it would be a toss-up between the Sugar Bunnies quilt, or the Dinosaur Treats quilt, and then I'd filler up the rest of the way with some of that wonderful plushy houndstooth wool! Thanks, and nice to meet you!
I love Bunny Hill too and follow Anne's blog. My favorites that I don't have are Postcard Cuties & Cream & Sugar. Thanks for the giveaway and Thanks to Anne for her generosity! Happy Anniversary!!
I have joined to follow your great blog, and I'll post about your giveaway on my blog as well. Thanks again!
~ Dawn
definitely love Bunny Hill, the Vintage Christmas is calling my name. I'll blog about this and follow you from now on. and if you pick my name I'll do a little dance!
and i don't dance :)\
The Bunny Hill pattern I've been eyeing for awhile is the Vintage Christmas pattern. That's the first thing I'd get.
And I love your blog, new to me today, but I've added you to my list to follow.
Happy Anniversary to you too - how lucky you are.
I would buy the sweet alyssa pattern and a bunch of the chelsea manor fabrics, I think... although that's subject to change!
I'm adding you to my Google Reader now!
I love the Rabbits Prefer Chocolate pattern. I would probably purchase some Cosmo thread to try and a couple of patterns.
Almost impossible to choose, but I think I would have to choose the Dovo applique scissors because that's a luxury I would never treat myself to.
This is my first visit to your site, and I loved it just seeing the header. I will definitely add it to my favorites.
My favourite Bunny Hill design would probably be the "I believe in Angels" pattern - it's gorgeous, so I would probably buy that if I won the gift certificate!
I think my favorite pattern would be When the Frost is on the Pumpkin since I love fall. And that Bitty Squirrel is cute too. Oh, and the cream alphabet on brown fabric...did I spend my $50 yet?!
Love all of Anne's patterns, fabric, and embellishments. I would like to order Confetti, I believe in Angels, and Autumn House. Those are just a few. Just purchased vintage christmas. I read your blog and also follow Anne's. Happy Anniversary! It is my birthday on the 13th.
Adding you to my favorites & following your blog; love your 2009 projects in progress list! I have an equally long list! If I was lucky enough to win I'd HAVE to get the French General pin cushion and apron. Love those. And Uptown Baby pattern, and some Cosmo Floss. I think I'm over $50 by now.
I found you from Anne's blog. She is so genous to be giving away a gift certificate. With my $50 I would have to use it for "Rabbits Love Chocolate". Well, if I were feeling really ambitous, maybe "Baltimore Bunnies". I love all of her patterns, I really doubt I could make a decision to pick just one. I think this is a plot to make me go shopping.
I will post about this on my blog this evening too.
I love all of Anne's patterns they are gorgeous, but I would like to order Yours Truly. I would like to give it to my husband since we have been married for 15 years. I read your blog and follow Anne's. Happy Anniversary! Hugs from Norway
It would be hard to decide, but I'm pretty sure it would be one of the Christmas patterns. Maybe Vintage Christmas. All her patterns are so cute.
That is some giveaway!!! Thanks for introducing me to Bunny Hill. I loved the Chelsea Manor fat quarter bundle. I've been organizing my smaller pieces and discovered I'm in need of the red and brown....just like the Chelsea Manor!! Your blog is on my Google reader subscriptions. I check you out all the time but am afraid I'm not good at comments.
Happy Anniversary! August is a good month. Our 55th anniversary is the 15th.
What a generous give away! I would definitely spend it on some tools and some cosmo embroidery floss. thanks!
I love too many things Bunny Hill! Right now I am being tortured by the adorable block of the month. Why tortured? Because I won't let myself start on it until I finish up the other three BOM's that I am doing. It's killing me!
I think I would buy fabric for that next BOM project :-)
This is my first visit here. I came over from Anne's site.
WOO HOO indeed!!! Bunny Hill everything is total eye candy. My favorite pattern is the Catch a Falling Star Christmas pattern. I have several of her patterns now and am thrilled with them. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! Thanks for the opportnities to win...I'm a follower now, too.
thanks!! i love all of anne's designs... i'd probably use it towards one of her great bom patterns.... i'm also a follower!
Well, a $50 gift certificate would be fabulous!! I guess I would get something in the Angel Houses group. Right now I am working on Autumn House BOM and just started Vintage Christmas! And, of course, the Basket Bunny BOM! Love the Chelsea Manor fabrics.
Happy 26th Anniversary!
I'm a follower of your blog as of tonight!
My fave Bunny HIll pattern is Autumn Houses.
I will blog about it tomorrow...just posted one tonight before I read your blog. I am glad I found your blog...it's inspiring.
**So glad I found your blog! I love all of the Chelsea Manor line. Such pretty stuff.
**And I am now a happy follower of yours :)
You know I really do like Rabbits Prefer Embrodiery the best. I think the pinwheels just set the rest of the stitchery off perfectly. Thank you for the chance to win the gift certificate.
Well, I have to follow anyone who has a cat on their blog banner. You kitty looks like my Rascal.
If I could pick any Bunny Hill pattern to splurge on after winning a GC, then it would be Vintage Christmas. I have loved that BOM since Anne released it. Maybe one day.
I love Bunny Hill's "Tisket/Tasket" and Pumpkin HIll. Thanks for the chance, Deb in Ohio
I would buy Vintage Christmas and love her Angel fabric
I LOVE Bunny Hill and all their designs.... I have so many, but I will find a way to spend that gift certificate... I would love to add Buttons and Bows or Catch a Christmas Star to my stash.
I just found your blog, but its great! Thank you for doing this give away.
I would like Cabins & Cottages. Any of the stars patterns, or the bunnies . . .
I think I would put it towards Baltimore Bunnies. I love all of her patterns! I wish I had a blog for a second chance to win. And I just found you today, Mama Sparks, but added you to my favorites because anyone who has a kitty in their banner is OK in my book!
My sister has collected rabbits for over 40yrs. There are many notions, cloth & patterns I could use to make her something. Probably a runner or a quilt for her couch.
I have followed your blog for a few months now. It always seems to put a smile on my face.
Thanks for the chance at a giveaway.
Becky M
Happy Anniversary! I love Anne's Chocolate Bunny patterns and I'd get that new Bella color card if I won the giveaway! ;-)
Bunny Hill is one of my favorite blogs. I would rush right over there to use a GC. I am stitching a tisket, a tasket. I have a long list of items from her store on my wish list. A Vintage Christmas and Yours Truly are probably my faves.
Posted on Sew Many Pieces blog.
Thanks for letting me join in.
I LOVE all things Bunnyhill and good luck to whomever wins. I was lucky enough to win Anne's last contest...so don't count me in this one. But I had to add my LOVE to your post. Bunnyhill is just the BEST!!! XXX Annie
Baltimore Bunnies!!! I love that pattern! I just discovered blogging this summer, but I've been following yours since I leanred of this whole world!
My fav right now is bunnies love Embroidery! so I would spend the money on the fabric line that goes with it!
I became a follower and I have you on my blog! Oh, and Pam happy anniversary! our's is the 29th of this month and it will be 34 years!!! wow, how did that happen so fast....
thanks for putting my name in the hat!
Lorene H
I have the Jelly Bag pattern and adore it!!! The patterns are so well written and easy to follow. I think the one I want to try next is the Darned Cute Bag... Love it!!! Thanks for the great giveaway.
I don't have any Bunny Hill patterns yet but I am crazy about Anne's blog, bunnies, fabric, her dogs, the color pink and just about everything else remotely related.
I am not sure how to link back to a blog post but I am a follower as of now.
And now that I have found your blog, I love it for sure!
Hi Mama Sparks I just found your blog thanks to Anne over at Bunny Hill. I have just added you to my list of blogs to follow. I really like what you are doing here. As far as the Bunny Hill draw goes I sure hope you pick me because I love her patterns and lots of the notions. At the top of my list I would have Vintage Christmas and Arnie and those new Embroidery threads. By the way I love your two helpers! Cute!
My favorite Bunny Hill design is the Carry Me Bag.
I posted about the give away on my blog.
I am following your blog!
I just found your blog through Bunny Hill. Love it. I'm a follower :) My favorite fabric line is definetly Chelsea Manor and I am posting your giveaway on my blog.
Take care!
I LOVE Bunny Hill Patterns
I have been saving and saving for the I believe in Angels
I totally love it!!! I lost Mommy last Aug 4th and hoped to be able to make this pattern in her memory
Maybe i will be able to do it
I collect anything bunny, so I really love her bunnies. Snowmen are a close second, tho. If I won that fabulous $50 gift certificate, I would buy the Baltimore Bunnies pattern. I enjoy your blog, so will be following it.
Oh my gosh! How do I choose. I love all of the Bunny Hill patterns & fabric. I'm currently making her Twelve Months of Baskets, free block of the month. I'm also making Rabbits Prefer Chocolate. I think with a $50 gift card I would have to have some of her beautiful fabrics or her Pumpkin Hill pattern.
I would have to have A Vintage Christmas, and some of her beautiful wool. How hard to choose, as I love ALL her patterns and fabric. I am steadily working away on her free baskets block of the month - just gorgeous! Here's hoping, Meredith
I love the Snow Cream Wool! I would definitely buy this from their shop if I win this gift certificate!
aikychien at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower.
aikychien at yahoo dot com
This is certainly a great site & i have saved it in my favourites as for what i would choose that really hard as there is so many that i like, but i guess i have to say the Madison Runner only because i want to do some table runners for Christmas gifts as these are smaller than trying to do big items for gifts as there is only 144 days to Christmas i have become a follower, good luck to all who enter this Great Give-Away
Hugs Janice
I love the picnic time pattern and the angel house fat quarter pack. I love her blog I check it often.
I love Anne's Christmas Quilts, already have Catch a Christmas Star and All Things Christmas kitted up and started... so if I won a voucher I'd be tempted by the Vintage Christmas pattern but also love the Chelsea Manor fabric and Rabbits love Embroidery...
Hi Pam,
thanks for the opportunity to enter a giveaway - we all love giveaways!! My favourite bunny hill design would have to be the red and white Chelsea Manor - lovely fabric. I have posted about this on my blog also. I have followed your blog since I was given your name as my Secret Santa 2008. Oh and Happy Anniversary in the next few weeks.
Thank you so much for hosting such a fantastic giveaway! I LOVE the red and white chelsea Manor fabric and am IN LOVE with the Tutti Frutti table topper and bitty dog!!
I fell in love with Baltimore Bunnies at the Columbus Quilt show, visiting from Oz, so that pattern would definitely be on top of my list.
Now that I've found your blog...thanks Ann....I'm going to come back. I've spent a lovely time reading back through your old posts, and enjoyed it immensely.
Sadly, no blog :(
Chelsea Manor fabric......some of all of it. I love all of Annes things....she's the best. I am a follower.
I just found you via Spring Water Designs and would follow you anywhere! Especially to Bunny Hill. I'd use a gift toward the Bitty Pincushions - I have the kitty but would love the others too. THANKS!
Those cute bunny blocks are my fav. Way toooo cute!! Wonderful give-away.
I follow!
What a great giveaway! If I won I'd love to get a pincushion pattern or some of that yummy new floss she's gotten in.
Irish Muses linked me to your blog and then to Bunny Hill, I will certainly bookmark both of you. I would love the wools, and the angel dots, the floss and so much more. All of the patterns are sweet and its hard to choose? Thanks for the giveaway.I will also visit anne's too
I love Bitty Squirrel. :)
I follow you on google reader.
Thanks! :)
I LOVE the Chelsea Manor fabric - I think I'd make a small quilt with it...
I just started following you too...
I'd love to win the gift certificate. I'm ashamed to admit that I have almost everything on her site - yes, I'm a Bunny Hill junkie - so I'd save it to use after Fall Market! I can't wait to see what new and exciting patterns Anne will be unveiling!
I love the Rabbits Prefer Chocolate pattern and the sweet bitty pin cushions....really I love everything Bunny Hill!!!
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