What, you say?? It it Halloween already? you say. How did summer go by so quickly? you say. Well it isn't and it didn't, I just decided you needed to see this. I was minding my own business (always the kiss of death for me) and this little guy came running right up the aisle toward me. Now if you know anything about know this I HATE SPIDERS!!! (
so much) So my DD1, who is working in the lab for the summer decides we need to catch it. No thank you! Well, of course, good little girl that she is, always listens to her mother, she catches it in a jar. OMG!!! It was about the size of a dime!!! So creepy. Then she decides to spend some time researching what kind of spider it is. We are still trying to figure that out. I'll let you know when I know. She took it outside and let it go out there.

Speaking of creepy, I did manage to get all 12 of my creepy owl blocks done for the Spooktacular swap! YEAH !! I had to re-do 2 of them since they weren't quite 12.5" just a bit short. I don't want to be the one that sends my blocks and everyone goes, "oh yeah, these aren't quite right and now we need to cut the others down, tisk tisk." No way, nope, not gonna happen. Mine are right now. WHEW what pressure to perform!

Here is a close up of the owls. I think I will design my owl applique to look kind of like these guys too but will keep you posted. I love that they have orange and purple eyes.

Just 1 more day and then I get to go to Florida!!! I am getting so excited!
thankx for the picture now I have an idea of what to do for my halloween quilt swap. I need to copy it though.....How????
ECK!!!! on the spider, but CUTE on your blocks, good choice for the fabric!!!
Love your blocks!! The fabrics are wonderful together and make the owl's eyes really shine, oooo creepy!!
yuck! I don't *do* insects well but your block looks great! looks easier than the direction for the swap seemed. Have a fun time in Florida~and keep away from the spiders! :)
Have fun in FL, they have really big bugs there. ;)
Love that owl fabric, it's GREAT!
EW EW EW!!!!! My good friend in Livonia got bit by a brown recluse last November, and IT STILL HURTS. Be careful. I hate spiders as much as you do.
I love your blocks. Those fabrics are perfect together. One more day - yippee!
I'm with DD1. I love spiders.
Love the nine patches.
enjoy florida
Love and hugs Gina xxx
LOVE the block! It's so cute. I can hardly wait to see your owl blocks.
Until I heard there were brown recluse spiders around HERE, I didn't mind them but .... a Brown Recluse Spider is nothing to trifle with. Hope you found out what kind it is/was and it is NOT dangersous. ICKY
I love the nine patch and the quilt, Mary will love this. I hope you have a wonderful time in Florida.
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