I hope you all had a good weekend.
It was amazingly HOT here in Michigan.
We almost never get 96 degrees in the SPRING!
I wanted to do some yard work but that just did not happen.
I tried for a bit on Monday.
I dug out some grass from a small part of my garden, planted some tomato and pepper plants
and a couple of planters and called it a day.
Instead I concentrated on sewing.
I should have concentrated on cleaning, HA!
Maybe this weekend.
I have a lot of commitments coming up so wanted to get a jump on those things.
I finished hand embroidering a quilt label for an upcoming wedding quilt.
I can't show that though = (
I finished a block for another Halloween quilt but have one more to go.
On my google sheet that I keep with monthly goals is always "Make one Ocean Waves block".
I can happily check this off my list now. I have 21/36 blocks made.
Cole was "helping" while I was working.
He matched the color scheme perfectly.
(or should I say purrfectly?)
I had no intention of making the progress I did on this wedding quilt
(Let's call this wedding quilt-A, WQ-A).
I got the entire center of the quilt cut out.
I made all the HSTs. Next I got those all trimmed up to 4.5". They are all untrimmed in this photo.
Next I got the first rows sewn on.
Lastly I sewed the white rows on.
All that's left to do it assemble it into the quilt center.
I am using the pattern called Newport Fantasy by Pleasant Valley Creations which you can find here.
This is what it looks like, but obviously not in the colors I am using.
What I need to determine is what color to use where the green is in the border.
I have 2 prints I am considering,
but I may just use the same solids I used for the center for the outer border too.
I wanted to get the center done and then decide what to do.
Anyone have any strong opinions?
The two prints are mostly gray and white.
The colors in their house are grays and whites.
I am using some gray blues in the quilt but thought about
just using the different gray solids in the border.
Maybe just one of the grays?
Or maybe mix the grays and blues?
Or stick with one of the prints I got for the border?
Time will tell.
I still have an intricate FPP pattern that needs to be tested and done by the 16th.
I best get myself working on that next.
Then I can work on WQ-A.
Sharing over at Sew Fresh Quilts.
YOUR turn. Share with us what you are working on by clicking on the link.
The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.