My SIL, Margie, and I had been talking about me making Christmas stockings for her house.
I re-visited this a few weeks before Christmas with her.
I am totally in love with Swell Christmas and
thought this line would make crazy adorable stockings.
I texted her that I found the perfect fabric if she was still interested.
I kind of wanted to work quickly, before the fabric went up in price on the secondary market as there were 10 stockings that needed to be made.
I also told her there was no way they would be done for this Christmas.
Then the fabric arrived.
Combine this with the fact that I had all my shopping, wrapping, decorating and cooking done and I could not help myself.
I thought, "Oh, I'll just do the kids stockings".
So that was the plan (secretly of course).
I used one of the Maywood patterns I had, the one I used for the twins stockings.
This meant fussy cutting 9 Santa faces for each of the 4 stockings and then making that stocking.
It took me 11 hours from start to finish to make those 4 stockings.
This is how they turned out. I LOVE them so much!

I used the green Santas with the red candy canes and the pink plaid for the girls.
I used the Moda Bella Betty's Red for the lettering
I used the red Santas with the green candy canes and the red plaid for the boys.
I used Moda Bella Peppermint for the lettering of their stockings.
I used Kona Snow for the cuff and the inside lining for all the stockings.
So...there was still 2 days until know I did.
I just did 2.5" squares for the adult stockings.
I got those all finished with only the lettering to add on the 23rd.
I got up on the 23rd and put the names on the stockings and voila, they were done too.
I was SO excited to gift those to my SIL.
She did not expect they would be finished so that made it all the better!
She is one of the few who cherishes the things I make.
I know that whatever I make her will be loved and valued.
Here they are before adding the names. Fronts
Backs, I made them in pairs so the green Santa went with the green pointsetta etc.
First are the grandparents (my SIL and BIL), fronts and
This is their first born and his wife, fronts
and backs
This is for their youngest son and his wife, fronts
and backs
If you paid close attention you will see that I used the same pink plaid on all the adult women and the red plaid on all the adult men's stockings to match the kids.
My SIL took a pic of all of them at her house.
I bet they looked pretty sweet hanging up at their house on Christmas Eve too!
I hope Santa filled them with a lot of great things.
PHEW! That one was a labor of love.
As a disclaimer, I have to say that she is paying me for them, but still a labor of love.
Guess what? I am getting pretty quick with these now too.
I am happy that I am done with stockings for awhile now though!
Sadly the Maywood pattern is no longer available on their website.
I did download it and am so thankful that I did.
If you find a free pattern you love, download it to your computer.
I recently had someone ask me for a pattern I had downloaded YEARS ago.
I went back to find it and the link is gone.
Luckily I had written a tutorial about how I made my blocks so was able to print it for them.
Just a PSA for all my friends regarding free patterns.
Great work, love your stocks
So so cute! Love that fabric line.
They're so adorable! I loved that Swell fabric collection, and I've bought some for 2 years since they brought it back for this Christmas too! It also looks cute for applique designs for my grands shirts and pjs.
Love your stockings!!!
You are so good!! Just think what you will accomplish when you retire!! LOL Just a quick question...I am assuming you sew the blocks together to a size that you need and then cut the stocking pattern from the quilted piece. But you didn't quilt them...just wondering. I need to make some for next year. How large are the santa squares? I just need some rough measurements. Thanks.
Who would not love and cherish what you make for them? Totally terrific! I made stockings for my family-10 of them last year. I used Cozy Christmas fabric by Lori Holt. They turned out so good. Everyone loved getting them. So I know how good it feels to make and give, too. Nothing better!
But your work is excellent. I love seeing what you make,
So cute!
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