I finally have my Mad Science quilt back from my long arm quilter friend in California. She custom quilted it and did an absolutely fabulous job! I won't be gifting it for awhile but thought I would share. My boss does not read this blog or go on Facebook so I am safe as long as no one blabs!
I worked for the Kunkel Lab for 35/36 years while at the University of Michigan.
Mary's pattern had a different center but this worked for my purposes.
Love these flasks!
Microscopes were used daily
We made antibodies in our rabbits and used the antibodies for other tests and staining.
My favorite block in the whole quilt!
I made this mouse dark like the C57BL6 mice we used.
DNA. Note the nucleotide colors, LOL
Also the "DNA" wallpaper
I had to extract DNA to genotype the mice we used in our lab.
New Zeeland White rabbit
Jingle Ball
I hand embroidered an outline around the rabbits so they would show up better.
I worked, for many years, with New Zeeland White bunnies.
All of my bunnies were antibody donors.
They were all named, and they were all long term animals.
I loved my bunnies and used to provide them with treats and enrichment.
One of their favorite toys were the orange "Jingle balls".
They had circular holes and had metal washers inside.
They used to pick them up and toss them and chew on them.
This was not part of Mary's original pattern but it really meant something to me.
In the 36 years I have worked in my lab my boss has progressed up the ladder.
He became busy with grant writing and other administrative duties.
He spent less and less time in the lab but
the one thing he never stopped was the immunization of the rabbits.
He was very allergic to them but insisted on doing the immunizations himself.
He would proudly state that it was the only lab duty he still had left!
I also hand embroidered the label, but for privacy reasons I am not comfortable showing that.
I am not certain when I will gift this. I am back working part time for him, mostly remotely, until his retirement in a few more years.
I would love to know what you all think!