This is the back of Robin's car when loaded up to deliver or get ready for the next venue with all 43 quilts!

This is my car loaded up with all the racks and PVC building stuff for the displays.

Here are Holly and Robin after we loaded both cars in the cold and snow after a great selling day! PRICELESS!!

I thought you might like to see some of the quilts up close. Robin made this red, black and white beauty. It has been wildly popular. You can just see the edge of the sampler off to the right. It is a beautiful quilt made by my friends Yuki and Judith (Makes my heart glad since I taught both of them and Robin!)

If you can see the lone star in this photo, Robin made this one too. Both it and the cherry quilt have been very popular as well.

Here is a great photo of the completed Big Ten quilt. I am hoping when you click on it you will be able to see LTW's great quilting job.

This "M" string quilt has been very popular too. I don't think you can see it but the U of M fight some is quilted into it. It begins at the top, goes around the right down across the bottom and finishes up on the left side. I had to look up the words though as I only know the words to the MSU fight song!

I know I had talked about Amy's quilt. I have become just a little obsessed with it. Here is my cat inspector keeping my strips warm and "pressed" while I am sewing. Thanks, Jack. In addition, you can see the border on the arm of the couch. I was trying not to repeat any of the colorful fabric in the quilt hence the ziploc bag. I had to keep it up on the back of the couch so I could build it and see the colors as I went along.

I worked all weekend on this quilt but still had 2 rows of blocks to make and then sew into rows and then sew to the quilt top. I also had to do all the borders. I worked for another 5 hours last night and *finally* got the top finished!! (And in case you are wondering, like my DH did, the strips are NOT supposed to match up!) I showed the top to him last night and he says to me, "I hate to tell you but did you realize the strips don't match up?" *sigh*, Of COURSE I know that, they were not supposed to match!! I asked LTW if she thought there was such a thing as variegated blue, green and purple thread and she assured me that there was. She emailed me to tell me that she ordered some! Won't that be pretty? I am going to use black (hopefully flannel) on the back. Maybe just plain black.

Please let me know what you think of it!
I counted up how many quilts I have finished this year and I have 22 done (counting this one). I somehow thought it was more, but hey it 's all good.
DD2 has an interview for Study Abroad today so keep her in your prayers. She is studying for a degree in Fisheries and Wildlife with a minor in Marine Science (difficult in a state without an ocean, just LOTS of fresh water!) She is hoping to get into the program that will be in the Galapagos islands this summer. I'll keep you posted! Well, it is a wet and snowy day here so I am going to go and become part of the traveling quilt show soon so I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving (If you are in the US). If not then take a minute to count your blessings and what you are thankful anyway, it never hurts!