We spent a lot of time there and had a lot of fun. I will show you my purchases tomorrow. Next stop was The French Laundry for lunch. Here is PTM in front of it.
Just a peek inside
Here we are eating our lunch and here is our lunch...YUM!! My treat!
Nest stop was the Institute of Art in Flint to see the Gee's Bend quilts.
It was an interesting exhibit. Kind of fits right into the whole Modern movement that's going on right now. I have to laugh, as PTM is beginning to really like the more Modern quilts like me!! I think I liked the paintings almost as much as the quilts. What an interesting exhibit!
The next place we were going was Linda's Country Quilts in Davidson.
Now for those who wanted to see more of the less of me here ya go. Me and PTM inside of Linda's
It was a wonderful day and I had a lot of fun and I hope PTM enjoyed her birthday celebration today too. I will show you my purchases tomorrow, bed now, 5:10 comes WAY too early!!
Oh Pam what a wonderful way to gift your friend - spending the day together! Lunch looks REALLY yummy, but I would have a hard time getting past the "laundry" in the name, lol.
Birthdays such as these, spent with friends, are simply the best! That's a great gift to give, glad you had so much fun.
What a wonderful day you had!! And look at that new thinner you!! WTG!!
Sounds like it was a really special day with lots of fun. I've gone by the French Laundry many times, but have never stopped there. I'll have to try it. Love Quilters Garden and Linda's, but haven't been there in a while.
Wow what a wonderful friend you are, it sure looks like it was a lovely day, filled with fun and friendship!
By the way, my birthday is in August, grin, will be 74, but you would have to come to NC mountains to spend the day with me, grin.
Looks like a fun day!! Yummy those sandwiches look so good. I would love to take in the exhibit of the Gee's Bend Quilts. Lucky you..
THANK YOU Pam!!!!!!!!! for the great day and for being such a wonderful friend.
Sorry I missed you at the gym today. We are most likly heading to Canada tonight after Bruce gets home from work.......as long as it is not too late.
See you Monday morning at the gym.
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