Saturday saw me at the gym early and both classes taken. Lost another 2 pounds (gym scale), YEAH!! I just want to take a minute to tell you all how much your support is helping me! I feel like I can do it and many of you have emailed me to tell me you are working on it too because of me. That is a wonderful feeling. Let's keep spreading the health! It seems like too often women tear down each other rather than build each other up. I'm glad to know I am helping with the building up!! The rest of the day was grocery shopping, laundry and catching up on blogs. You guys have so much good information and great projects and giveaways going on. We are a busy community! I am still working on reading all on my bloglines but will get there.
Today DH was leaving for flight school for the week and I had to drop him off at the airport so there went my morning. BUT...I did manage to work on my next block for the Jelly Roll Quilt-A-Long block and here it is:
We were supposed to do the outside in "darks" but I saw one that someone else did with the light on the outside and I love how this came out!
I am going to watch the Red Wings in their play off game (we do live in Hockey Town, ya know) and do some cutting. I still have a few blocks to cut down from the water quilt to make the next one I want to make. I am also considering joining the Great Hexagon QAL, are any of you doing that one?? So cute.
I did attend the local Tea Party on Thursday and will tell you more later, I wanted to show this quilt block first. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and thanks again for stopping by and especially for all your wonderful support!!
Love the opposite colorway of the block. I haven't started mine yet.
Yeah for another 2 pounds!!!!
Sounds like the weekend was BUSY and I can't wait to read about the tea party.
I was sorry to see the wings loose. They are my favorite team.
I like the light background too :0) Hooray for the 2lb loss!!
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