I wanted to tell about the Tea Party I attended on April 15th. I ended up getting out of work late so only caught the last half hour. It was wonderful! There was a fabulous speaker in the time I was there. He was a black preacher, Mr. Uhl, I believe, and man was he fired up! It was awesome. Here is a crowd shot. And in the second pic you can see Mr Uhl, just through the signs.

I picked up some forms to become Precinct representatives for myself and my DH. I always say that if you want something to change you need to get involved so this is my BIG first step! Wish us luck!
Did any of you attend any of the Tea parties across the country?
I truly don't know what to say. You are the very first person I've ever "known" to buy into the Tea Party crap.
I'll be unsubbing to your blog right this minute. *shaking my head in disbelief/disgust*
Don't let her get to you Pam. You have a right to voice your opinion and who cares if she doesn't read your blog. A lot of other people will.
Wow Pam! I think you will survive without the one follower who is so afraid she won't be frequenting your blog anymore. I applaud you for sharing your beliefs. Last time I checked this was a free country.
You go girl!!!! My DH and I and a friend attended the one in Honolulu and was great fun! My favorite sign: POLITICS, Poli = many; TICS = blood sucking vermin!
Yep...it is time We The People take our country back!
My views may not be the same as yours but so what? I still love your blog! And I am always open to hear other opinions. Otherwise how will I ever change and grow? I think it takes all of us ,with all our different views, to make the changes we need.
Wow....that was quite a crowd! Glad you were able to attend even if it was just for a little while.
Great crowd. I went to the one closest to my work and had a blast. They did the parties a bit different this year so there wasn't as big of a crowd.
I am a percent captain in my district. I really am looking forward to November. As some posted on my FB, I can see November from my living room. The only thing is I can't wait.
Don't let the liberals get you down. We are supposed to love all people for whom they are except if you are a liberal and someone has a different opinion. We are supposed to see no color unless you are a liberal want want to cry racism. We are supposed to celebrate diversity unless... well you get my drift. If the libs are getting that angry you know you are on the right track.
Love you girl and keep up the good fight.
No, I really wanted to but was just too tired. I've attended some 912 meetings but think the tea party woulda been AWESOME! WTG! Sequana won't be missed, I'm sure!!
Oh how fun! I always wanted to go to one. Good for you on doing your part!
I'm envious...don't pay attention to the thin-skinned lib...and they're supposed to be the tolerant ones...yeah right.
Wishing you luck Pam. No Tea Parties in my area but sounds like they would be interesting to attend.
Good for you, I belong to 2 groups, one in my home town and one in the next town over. If we don't stand up for our rights, we will have no rights. BarbM
Cool. Glad you made it. I don't attend them but I support their right to free speech.
Dissent is patriotic. Just ask Hillary Clinton.
Unless of course your dissent disagrees with hers! = )
Apparently so is paying my taxes, just ask Geitner about how patriotic he is...
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