Thursday, April 14, 2011

THIS IS MY 800TH POST!!!!!! You Know What That Means, Right??

EDIT: Comments are now closed, a winner has been drawn! Thanks for commenting!

Giveaway Charm Packs

                                                                   GIVEAWAY TIME

I can't believe it!  I have done 800 posts!!!  I sure have come a long way from those first tentative posts!  I have met so many wonderful friends along the way too.  I appreciate each and every one of you too.  I told you I was looking to have 400 followers before I did this but I just can't wait!  So if you remember my dreamy stars quilt, and would like to make one too I can get you started with 3 Dream On charm packs, purchased at Crazy Quilt Girl's online fabric shop (just in case you need more than 3 she still has some).  The pattern I used was from the Moda Bake Shop and can be found here.  Here's the deal, if you would like to win the charm packs please leave me a comment telling me what you would use them for.  That's it, nothing fancy, no hunting around, no reposting (although if you would like to tell your friends that would be great), no being required to follow, but I would love it if you wanted to be a follower.  Sweet and simple.  I will draw on Monday April 18th TAX day for all of us in the states.  Maybe this will help you feel better.  I'll ship international for this one.

Now just one more thing I wanted to write about too.  I have mentioned a coupon book that I bought at JAF and have been getting a lot of questions about it so here is the scoop.  They sell a booklet.  At my store it was at the cutting counter, at another shop I was at it was at the customer service desk.  They sell it for $2.99.  There are 6 coupons on the back cover.  Four are 40% off and Two are 50% off.  You can use them all at one time or however you like.  One coupon per item.  I printed coupons off from online.  Each one has to have a different code to be used together so trade with your friends.  Then you can also use coupons from Hobby Lobby and Hancocks. (No Michaels coupons for fabric but you can use those for other things).   A group I joined gave me links to online coupons from those places but I had an additional coupon for Hobby Lobby in our local paper.  So you see, with all those together along with the ones I had from my JAF flyers I was able to pull it off, and buy all 21 fabrics in the DS line for 40-50% off.  Remember I went to 2 stores so was able to reprint a few of the online coupons and use those again.  Hope this is helpful!

The only thing you aren't allowed to do when you use a coupon like the 40% off is to use the VIP card for an additional 10% off.  You can only use that card if you do not need a coupon for your purchase.  For example if your fabric is already marked 30% off you are allowed to present your VIP card and get an additional 10% off.

I also always look before I order online by Googling the name of the shop and the word coupon.  Sometimes I am able to score a coupon for an online fabric purchase that way too.

I hope that all that coupon information is useful!  If I happen to go to JAF again soon I will try to remember to take a photo of the cover of the coupon booklet and post it here.  I discarded mine already so no luck with that.  That way you would be able to see what you are looking for, exactly!

Now go forth, leave me some good comments and let's get a winner.  Thanks for hanging out on my blog for the last800 posts too, I sure do appreciate that!!  ~XOP~


Anita in Florida said...

Great info on the coupon book at Joann's...never heard of it before.
Wonderful those charms and the quilt...if I win I might try it out! Thanks for the chance.

Brita said...

Congrats! That's quite a milestone! I'd love to win the charms -- I think I'd make a Spring-y dreamy Twister using those, or pinwheels. Your Charming Stars is gorgeous. Love them all.

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

WOW! 800 posts! Definitely something to celebrate. And here I thought I was doing good just having passed 200 - lol! Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway. Also, thanks for the info on the coupon book - didn't know there was such a thing.

Alannah said...

I only have 55 post but of course I just started blogging last year! Congrates on the 800 post! I love to read your blog! I would like to make a cute quilt for my little girl! I think I might do something like stars or even a strip quilt!

Brenda said...

Congrats on 800 posts! I would use the charm packs to make a quilt for either my daughter or my niece.

Brenda said...
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StitchinByTheLake said...

Congratulations on the 800th post...I'm nowhere near that yet! I have a niece who is pregnant and I'm thinking the charm packs would make a wonderful baby quilt. :) blessings, marlene

Mommarock said...

Oh how pastelly pretty! I think it would make a beautiful set of placemats for spring for my formal dining room table. The table is new, and so it doesn't yet have the adornment it deserves. It has a tablecloth.. but no fancy quiltworks yet. I've got to work on that!

Keep Stitchin' said...

I think I'd use the charms for a nice spring table runner and maybe a small tote.

Congratulations on 800 posts!

Malmbergs said...

I have been trying to collect vintage sheets, and so of course these charm packs would go perfect with them to create a fun quilt. Thank you for the chance.

tpott said...

Congrats on your 800th! I think I'd make a disappearing 9 patch. Thanks for the great giveaway! ;>

Scrappy quilter said...

Congratson post 800 and what a wonderful giveaway. Look forward to the next 800.

Pokey said...

Dream on has such a vintage look, I love the big bright flowers. Thanks for the giveaway!
I shop Joann's regularly, and you get a 15%discount as a teacher when items are on sale, and you are not applying a coupon. I love the savings, great to have a little more cash for fabric!

Peach Rainbow said...

Your quilt looks lovely - I might try to make one similar, if I'm lucky ;D

Chris said...

800!! Way to go!
If I won, I would make a quilt for my daughter who is going through a hard time. She loves anything with orange and it would make her sad heart smile :)

JayTee said...

I enjoy reading your blog...i think a bed runner would be the perfect item to make

Needled Mom said...

Congratulations on reaching 800 posts!!! It would make a cheery quilt for my guest room.

I have never heard of the JAF coupon book. I will have to check to see if they have them at my shop. I did use my Michael's coupon for fabric yesterday. Perhaps there are different rules in different parts of the country.

Elisa (AKA scrapcat) said...

800 posts! WOW! I just passed 50 :) What would I do with these cuties? I'd made a nice, springy tabletopper for my kitchen. This winter was tough for many reasons - would LOVE to add a little sunshine to the house!

Sara said...

Dream On is my favorite line of fabric ever. I would make a tesselating pinwheel quilt from my new ruler for charm squares. Thanks for the chance

Michelle said...

800?!?!?! THAT'S COOL!!! Here's to many more...

Moosters said...

Congratulations on 800 posts! I've enjoyed them all. Were I so lucky to win, I'd be making placemats and a table runner for my dining room table (if I could ever find it under all my piles of piecework!)

Lee said...

Thanks for all the info and tips! Congrats on the 800 !

And this would be . . . . said...

Congrats on the 800 posts. They have been wonderful.

Cory said...

I would love to make a Dreamy Stars Quilt. Thank you for the chance to win these charm packs. I use coupons for JAF all the time too. My JAF won't let me use multiple coupons on the same receipt. And, sometimes they won't ring things up separately. Do you find that happens to you? Take care and God bless, Cory

West Michigan Quilter said...

Congrats on your 800 posts. I went to JAF with all my mail flyers expecting to use the 50% one, but everything was already on sale, so couldn't use it. I'll have to check into the coupons like you bought.

West Michigan Quilter said...

PS: I would use the charm packs to make a quilt for my daughter who is a nurse.

Carolyn said...

WOW 800 post. I have just started posting I have a long way. But I have really enjoyed it. I havent ever won a giveaway yet. Winning fabric or coupons would be great
Thanks for the chance,

Deb said...

800? You are AMAZING!! I am in awe!! 3 charm packs? I think I would make the City Table Runner from Moda Bake Shop...only I would rename it Spring!! Or is it City Windows? poor feeble brain can't remember the exact title...oh well. :)

Karen said...

Congratulations on 800 posts. That is wonderful. It is really nice how you let us into your life through your blog.

Luci said...

Congrats! I would make a charity quilt for a group I belong to. A pattern where I didn't cut them up much because they are so cute!

Staci said...

800 posts! Wow! Very exciting to hit such a milestone.
Dream On is such a great summery looking line of fabric. Of course, I would make a quilt out of it! Thanks for the giveaway!

Bev said...

Congratulations on 800! The Dream On charms would make a great quilt for my granddaughter! I've been wanting to try a twister quilt.

Miki Willa said...

Congrats on 800 posts. Thanks, also, for the coupon tips. You answered quite a few of my questions. I would love to use these charm packs on a summer quilt for my granddaughter.

Miki Willa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MollyP said...

I had no idea JAF had coupon books. Thanks for the info. The Dream On colors are lovely. I would probably use the MBS pattern and convert the blocks to a table runner and pillow shams for our coffee table and couch cushions. Congrats on 800 posts! That's commitment, lady!

Yumm yumz by patticakes said...

Thanks for the coupon info! With the price of fabric going up, we fabri-holics need all the help we can get!
Thanks also for the chance at the Dream On charms. I think they would make a perfect pinwheel and appliqued baby quilt!

Cori Lewis said...

thanks for the info on the coupons.. love saving money!

ytsmom said...

I love the new Brocante schnibble pattern, and think that these colors would make a beautiful baby quilt. The colors are kind of a departure for me, so I would love to win! Thanks also for your personal response, and on the blog, about the JoAnn's coupons. I'm going to check with my JA about HL coupons.

Fernanda said...

Thanks for the info and congrats on the milestone. I'd make a Jacob's Ladder quilt with the Dream On.

Leslie's Itchin to be Stitchin said...

800, wow, love the charm packs, I have quite a few charm pack patterns that would be put to good use with these, thanks for the giveaway

jennifer w. said...

800!!!!Nice,keep up the amazing work! I think these charm packs would make a lovely table runnr or 2.

Catskill Quilter said...

800 blog posts is amazing - you go, Girl! I have been stopping in and reading you, and when I saw you were at 393, I just had to become a follower! I would make a dreamy stars table runner and placemats if I won. Thanks for all the coupon info -- what a help those tips will be!

Impera Magna said...

Congratulations on your 800th post! A landmark to be noted...

Thanks for the give-away! I love the Dream On fabrics!

Lynda said...

would love to win the dream on fabrics! I am currently staying with my very pregnant daught - expecting three and growing daily. we are trying to finish up her projects before she is on perm bed rest but she can only handle 3 hours a day at this point. hoping to hold on for another two months. congrats on your milestone -

Char said...

I'd like to make a beautiful sunny quilt for my guest room.

Diane N said...

congrats on the 800th post! If I win I would like to make a pinwheel quilt! I've seen so many in blogland lately and they are all so adorable!

Michele T said...

If I won I would make a lap quilt and matching pillow covers - wouldn't that be sew sweet? I think so!

Poppyprint said...

Wow 800 posts!!! Congratulations! Thanks for all the Joann tips - I do get to the States once in a while and have discovered there is a store not far from me, actually. I love the vintage sheet feel of Dream On and to be honest, I think I would turn those charms into 1/2 square triangles with Kona snow and just sew them all back together pennant style for a lovely, summery picnic quilt! Thanks for celebrating with such a sweet giveaway!

Janet said...

Well congrats to you on your 800th post - that's really something!

I'd love to win the charm packs, and I'd use them to make a divided 4 patch ... seems to be my pattern of choice at this moment.

Thanks for the opportunity!

Melody said...

Congrats on 800!!!! I love Dream On and I would use those little charm packs in a very special quilt for myself. My bed needs a new quilt for this summer.

Kathy S. said...

I would use them to do a springy modern sytle block quilt--one with the blocks that are all offset from each other. Beautiful charms! Thanks.

robin said...

Wow - 800 posts! Congrats. I'd make a quilt. :)

Allie said...

Oh my, Pam - you're giving away Dream On? Count me in! I can't believe you've hit 800 posts already, girl. I will never catch up, lol!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

WOW - what a milestone that I cannot imagine - but you are so gracious in sharing the moment in the spotlight.

Deborah in Atlanta said...

I recently joined the "Hands2Help Charity Quilt Challenge " and we'll be making quilts for families in Romania. This would be mighty handy for those quilts.

Deb said...

That's quite an accomplishment and I've been a follower for a while now. I would love to make a quilt like yours, would have to find something else where you fussy cut the flowers, but love the fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!

Nancy Near Philadelphia said...

I'd love to win your give-away and if I do, I will use those charms to make a gift quilt for a friend who is going through a lot right now.

Mary Ann said...

Wow ! 800 ?!? That's amazing ! Congratulations ! Thank you for offering a fabulous giveaway. I'm having a quilt pattern giveaway on my blog beginning May 2nd when I feature my first ever guest blogger, Linda of ! Please be sure to stop and leave your comment - there will be three winners drawn on May 18th Good luck !

Purple Quilter Queen said...

I've been saving my Dream on squares to mix up with some vintage sheets to make a picnic blanket. Nothing fancy - just 4-5" squares or maybe HST's. Your's turned out beautifully! Jenn

Funky's Mama said...

800 - Wow! I'm all the way up to 23, so...

Anyway, I've been hankering for a HST quilt, maybe in a barn-raising setting, and these seem like they'd be just the ticket!

2ne said...

Congratulation with all your 800.........
Thanks for giving me the chanse :-)

Lucy said...
I would make a larger version of the above quilt.
I enjoy reading your blog.
lucycps3 at gmail dot com

Shannon said...

800 that is amazing!! Congratulations! I would love to make the same quilt you made. I feel in love with it the first time you posted about it. Those flowers cute from that sheet were perfect. Thank you!

Sallie said...

800 posts! Congratulations! I would make a quilt for an orphan through our church quilt ministry if I won the fabric. Thanks for the giveaway!

RobynLouise said...

Well I haven't been here for all 800 posts but I've enjoyed the ones I've read :). I'm nearing 80 posts and I think that's an achievement for me.
I was thinking the other day that I need more bags, you know - the curved handbaggy style with a shoulder strap, and with winter settling in some bright colours patched together would lighten the dull days.
Lol, I could 'dream' about Spring being here soon while I shop in the rain and dodge the drips that fall on me from the shop awnings.

rebecca said...

Congrats!! That's alot of posts. I am currently on a charm square purse making kick. That's what I would use them for!!

Charity said...

As I am new to blogging I can't even imagine 800 posts. Thank goodness you haven't runn out of things to tell us. I enjoy reading your posts.

Fran said...

Well done on the 800 posts, quite an achievement! I would use the charm packs in a baby quilt for a friend.

Lee Ann L. said...

Wow! That is awesome on 800 posts. And by the way, I didn't know about the coupon booklets until I read about them the other day on your blog.

As for the charm packs, I'd probably add more charms and make a scrappy style quilt.

dot said...

Happy 800!!! I hope I win, I haven't won anything in a long time. I would use them in a beautiful summery quilt for my bed. Probably incorporate them into some sort of flower nine patch type of quilt. I might also use them to make a star quilt like you did.

ShirleyC said...

Wow! 800 posts!
If I won this fabric, I would either make some mug mats or use it to accent something for my granddaughter an outfit.

Linwood & Margaret said...

Congratulations on your 800th post. I would love to make a beautiful quilt for one of my dgd.

Marcia W. said...

Wow! 800 is major major milestone! If I won these charms, I would use them for either a Moda Bake Shop charms kind of quilt ... OR for my Birdie Stitches BOM which has been lonely without it's patchwork borders! Thanks for the opportunity, and for all the information about JAF coupons!

Erin Marsh said...

Congrats! I would make a quilt to send to Japan if I won...

Sara said...

Didn't know about the coupon book I will be checking that out--Thank you! Also, a big congrats on your 800th post:):):):) Keep up the great work!

Brenda said...

Congrats! That is a lot of posts and I am sure you will have the followers soon! I would put the fabric in my stash until I found just the right project! Thanks for the chance to win!

Cecilia said...

Congratulations on the posts! If I win I would make a baby quilt for a friend. The colors are cute. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

When I win...(just kidding)If I win I would make a bed quilt for myself. I have a fall on but a sprin/summer one would be great to! I am going to be a follower. I love your easy going style! I also have 4 kittys.

JariJari said...

congrats on yr 800th post! If I's going to be a good one for my sewing machine cover and accessories

Susan said...

Wow, 800 posts! That's amazing! Happy ... anniversary? I love those bright springy fabrics. I've been wanting something like that for a disappearing something - 4 or 9 patch, not sure which, but these would be perfect for that. Then the quilt would go to American Hero Quilts.

dezertsuz at gmail

Digital Misfit said...

Congrats on 800 sew fantastic posts!
I would either make a patchwork weekender bag or combine the charms with some linen for some fresh new curtains for my computer/art room.

Carolyn said...

Well you now only need two more people to reach your 400 followers! YAY! Let's see....if I won those wonderful charm packs (LOVE charm packs!) I know for sure I'd make a tote cuz I'm a tote kinda gal, but...I might make a quilt..or.... hmmm..can't decide. LOL
Thank you for the chance at your wonderful giveaway. I'm going to post a link on my blog even though you didn't request it. :) *crossing fingers, toes, eyes, legs (sorta) LOL

lindaroo said...

The Dream On fabrics remind me so much of the bedspreads my sister and I had when we were kids, and I think I'd use them to make matching lap blankets for her and for me. Something we could share even though we live across the country from each other.

Shari said...

Happy 800th post! Wow - that's a lot to say! And we've loved every word.

Gorgeous fabrics in the charm packs. I would make a disappearing nine patch with white as the 'sashing' and a variety of solid/near solids for the accent 'post'. Then the charm squares would be able to be seen in all their glory!

Cheers to the next 800!

Kirsten said...

Oh wow! What a great giveaway!
If I won I would make a lap quilt for our summer house to sit under on those chilly nights!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Love your Dreamy Stars with the vintage sheets, I would use the charm packs to make a design using HST from them. Thanks for the great giveaway and tips on coupons.

Jessica said...

I would use them to make a baby quilt - I've used that line before for one and it came out just beautiful. Thanks for the chance and congrats on 800!

Lisa England said...

I'd use that Dream On fabric to make a quilt for my niece who is a true girly girl. Or maybe a tote to carry her stuff to ballet class.

Crispy said...

I don't know what I would use them for other than petting and such at this point LOL. Congrats on the 800 little jabber box LOL.


Melissa Corry said...

Wow!!! 800 posts!!! That is amazing!!! thanks fore the fun tidbits on coupons. Great ideas :)

Kasey said...

I think you'll get 400 followers after all! Congrats on sew much fun! I would use the charm squares for summer placemats. They're such an easy way to change the decor!

Kathy H said...

Congrats on the 800th post. WOw. I see you are almost at 400 followers too. Thanks for the info on Joann's coupons. I would use the charm squares for a new pattern that I just got for a vase with yoyo flowers. I have been looking for the perfect charm pack for it. Thanks for the chance to win.

Annmarie said...

Dream On is so lovely! I make alot of charity quilts so I would probably use them for a coin quilt. Congrats on 800 posts - wow!

Teresa F. said...

I haven't reached 100 posts yet so 800 is obviously a great achievement.Comgratulations and thank you for the lovely giveaway.

Vickie said...

I would love to make a mini table topper from the new Perfect for Precuts magazine! It takes charm packs to make it! Congratulations on your 800th post and thanks for a chance to win!!!

Jocelyn said...

Congratulations on 800 posts!! Wow! Great giveaway. I'd love to make a quilt or a tote bag. Thanks!

Rhonda said...

Congratulations on your 800th post!! I've just started blogging so I know how impressive that is! If I won, I'd make a quilt to send to an orphanage overseas which is supported by our church!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! An inspiration to us all!
Congrats on your 800+ posts.
thanks for sharing your experiences and views.

Jo said...

Thanks for the coupon info for JAF, it is good to know this, the more you save the more you can buy!
I would make some throw pillows for our guest room bed if I won this fabric.
Thanks for holding this giveaway!

alice said...

Congrats on 800 posts! What a great giveaway--I think those colors are calling on me to make something for Mother's Day. So bright and cheery! Thank you for the chance and also for the link to the pattern.

Hilachas said...

I've never used charm packs so I'm thinking I would like to have some to see what I could use them for in my quilting. Thanks for the opportunity.

Heartsdesire said...

Congrats on your 800th blog post. What a milestone for you. If I won the charm packs, I think I would make the Dreamy Stars quilt. Your quilt looks so pretty in that fabric. Very spring-like.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on 800 posts! Wow! Thanks for the info on the JAF coupons, too.
I would like to make the Dreamy Stars quilt!
Jacque in SC

Maribel said...

I´m not a follower but you are in my RSS Reader, so I think I´m a kind of a follower. It hink your blog is great! Congratulations for your 800 Blog post.
Greetings from Germany

Anne said...

Happy to become follower #403! Wow, congratulations on your 800th post. Amazing! Love those charm packs. I hadn't seen this particular fabric line, but I immediately thought "vintage sheets." Then I saw that you'd used fussy-cut floral motifs from sheets as cornerstones -- so clever and perfect!

I had not seen the "Charming Stars" pattern before, though I had visited Moda's pattern offerings more than once. So, if I am the lucky winner, I will be a copycat and try my hand at "Charming Stars" because I love your version (and I also adore star patterns)!

Brenda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

Thanks for the suggestion to google the store name and coupon. I buy most of my fabric on line as not many stores around where I live. Love the Dreamy flowers. They would probably have to go into a new bag for me. Thanks for a chance to win.

Quiltjane said...

Thank you for the great giveaway. I am in the process of making quilts for our church fete and these would make a lovely fresh quilt for a baby.

quiltretreat namawsbuzyquiltn said...

Wow monday the 18th is my youngest daughters birthday, all of 34 years old. I love this charm pack and have a pattern that I would use them for.Bunny Hill Designs, Park Lane

Dot said...

Oh, what beautiful fabric! I'd love to make this into a beautiful quilt to use on my front porch--and then bring inside to have spring and summer all year long! Thanks for the chance, and congratulations on 800 posts!


yorkie mom said...

You are on my "favorites" read you every day! Thanks for the chance to win! Allison

Jeanne said...

Congratulations on 800 posts to your blog. I would make a lap quilt if I won for my sister who is having heath issues.

michele said...

Wow 800 that's a lot of posting!

Deb said...

Congratulations on such an accomplishment!! I'd use the charm packs for a table runner. Thanks for the chance.

Mary said...

Congrats on your 800th post! That's quite a milestone. I love the Dream On fabric and would either make the same quilt you did or one with pinwheels. Thanks for a chance to win.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I'm going FORTH! Does that make me the winner? Thanks!

Laura said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura said...

Wow! 800 posts and 400 followers! That is quilte an accomplishment! I would use the pretty fabric to make a quilt, maybe even one for myself!


goody 4 you!! 8000 just around the corner. 2day is my 68th b-day and i am unashamedly collecting presents from everywhere. i would make the lovely star quilt 4 my grandson's wedding.

momma said...

Congratulations! That's a lot of posts, just starting my own, non family blog, so kudos to you, it's hard work.
- these are totally my colors, I have a mid century home, and I'd make some quilted pillows and coasters with these to funk up my (too) grown up lounge area.

Valspierssews said...

Great achievement. I would love to use the charm squares to make a table cloth.

Foolish Feathers said...

I actually would love to used them for making the quilt you linked! I saw your post the other day and rummaged up three charm packs to try to make the quilt. I had missed the posting of that pattern on moda so when I saw what you did I had to go find it! I am already a follower. Thanks for your inspiration!

Slovenka said...

Wow, wow. 800. CONGRATULATIONS! Thanks for the giveaway. I would make quilt in the same pattern as you did. It is really nice.

Gari in AL said...

I like to use charm packs to make comfort quilts for my guild's charity. They always make beautiful quilts that can be enjoyed by a needy child.

KatieQ said...

Congratulations on 800 posts. If I had the charm packs, I would make one of the quilts from "Schnibbles Times Two."

Ingrid said...

Beautiful give-away. Combined with white I would make a 'Jopie's Dromenquilt' for a sick kid in The Netherlands (the project is simular to Linux).
With kind regards, Ingrid Mulder.

Becky said...

Thanks for the tip to Google an online shop before placing an order. 800 posts! Impressive. How long have you been blogging? Enjoyed your blog for some time. Looking forward to 800 future posts!

Jenny said...

thanks for the love to add these charms with some solids and make my daughter a quilt

Jeannette said...

I would love to win and I think I would make the same quilt as you! Thanks for a chance to win and 800th post? wow!

Carla G said...

Congrats on your 800th post! Thanks for a chance to win your great giveaway! :)

Kathleen C said...

I'm glad I came to visit you today! Dream On is a great fabric to combine with solids, so I would pick some solids and play until I found a setting that I liked. I particularly like blocks set on point, so maybe 4-patches set that way with surrounding solids.
Thanks so much for the extra info about Joann coupons. And thanks for your generous giveaway.

Melanie said...

I am really not sure what I would use these for as I have never purchased charm packs before. I am a beginning quilter, though, and I am trying to build my stash! Would love to have these!

Nancy said...

Wow, 800 posts. How impressive. Wishing you 800+ more!

Anna said...

Congrats on 800!! Thanks for a chance to win

Mary Ann said...

This is perfect for a friend of mine in Germany - her favorite color is orange - I would make her a pinwheel lap quilt!

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Congratulations on 800 posts Pam! I would make the Dreamy Stars Quilt if I were lucky enough to win!

Stina Blomgren said...

800 posts are a milestone.... wonder when I come up to that!!!:0)
The dream on fabrics are so pretty and happy... I know I would have lots of fun making something with them... Either your pretty quilt or my own!

Catherine said...

Congratulations on your 800th post. Jill at Jilly's studio has a cute Hugs and Kisses quilt in her book. I would like to try it out.

Anita said...

Congrats on 800 posts and thanks for a lovely give away. I think I'd grab a solid and alternate them for a quick and easy quilt. (Gotta love quick and easy right?)

suemac said...

I would make the quilt by Stefanie that you have featured at the Moda Bake Shop. I like white for sashing. It makes a quilt so fresh.

LesQuilts said...

Congratulations on your 800th post!
I would use the charm squares to make at least one quilt to donate for fundraising for a digital mammography machine in our local community. Many organizations in the community are busy raising funds for that purpose.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Take care, Leslie

Patty said...

congratulations on 800 posts. Oh, and I am follower #409, so you made your 400 followers. I have read you alot, but just became a follower. I think I would make my Granddaughter a skirt with a matching bag if I win. Thanks Patty

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

Happy 800th post! That's a lot of posts, and each one was special and wonderful. I would like to have a wall of little quilts, and those lovely charms look like perfect ingredients to make beautiful little quilts.

Lucky Duck Dreams said...

Great giveaway! I love Joann's coupons. FYI if you are a teacher you can get a 15% off discount card!

quiltma said...

To be honest I'm not sure what I would make with the charm packs. I would want to play with them a while before I figure it out.

Unknown said...

Wow 800 posts it sure does not seem like that many but you are wonderful to us and thank you very is to the next 800 (clink,clink)

Nancy Sue said...

Congrats at the 800 posts AND you're over the 400 number in followers. So, here's to the next 800 posts, and the next 400 followers :) I'd like to make a couple of porch pillows for my folks swing that they can enjoy when it's not (whispering) raining! Finally it stopped raining today!

Veronica said...

Those charm packs sure are pretty. Please sign me up. Thank you for those tips regarding the coupons. I'll keep that in mind before purchasing anything from now on.

Jo said...

Awesome 800th post! Your Dreamy Stars are looking, well, DREAMY! Congrats, nice work!

Jen said...

Just discovered your blog! Congrats on the 800! Can't wait to read more!

Betty said...

The 800th blog!
You've been at it for al long time, well done!

Sandy said...

800 is a LOT of posts! Congratulations!=) Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Quilt n Queen said...

I've been such a BAD blogger.... and commenter......I'm sEw far behind in reading blogs I feel I'll never catch up. I commend you on your dedication to blogging .....CONGRATULATIONS on 800 posts... there will be two moons in the sky before I reach 800.....I'll talk to you soon....Ü

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