I am sooo sorry for the delay on posting. You probably thought I forgot! I didn't, it has just been unbelievably crazy around here since I got back. As I said before DD #1 did get her job. She is supposed to start the job June 4th, YIKES!! We will be going with her next week later in the week to help her look for a place to live. If anyone knows Madison Inidana, please let me know where a good place to stay is.
Now for the beginning of the trip. You already know about the plane ride so I will pick up from there. On Thursday morning Chris and I headed down to Moneray. I really wanted to go whale watching and he really wanted me to see the otters and enjoy all the "stuff" he does when he goes there alone. So we got up fairly early (still on MI time) and drove along the coastline. The pictures I chose to post today are from the drive. We stopped several times along the drive. The tide was low so we were able to view the tidal pools up close. They were full of wonderful things like starfish, sea anemones and snails along with all the usual vegetation. It was kind of overcast and chilly as you can probably tell from the beach pictures! I did take many more pictures but these are fairly representative. There is one we took of ourselves too! We look kind of silly, I don't know how my kids always manage to get nice ones the same way. Are their arms *that* much longer than ours?? As we approached a place called Pigeon Rock there was a light house and these beautiful pink and white flowers all along the fields by the lighthouse.

Anyway, that's all for now. We have decided to begin a through cleaning of the old homestead beginning in our bedroom! We have a pretty large closet and have not gone through it in a long time. I did my stuff yesterday including my dresser and my "corner" of the bedroom. It is amazing how much stuff you accumulate over 20 years! I think have filled 10 or 12 garbage bags so far and DH is still working on his "stuff"!! I guess I really am a pack rat. I finally threw out all the things I will, most likely, never be able to fit into again with out an act of God himself!! It feels good to have the closet so clean. I want to shampoo the carpet in the closet too. I think we need a few more storage unit type things and it will be all set. I keep walking by my sewing room (aka the living room) longingly but all the bags are in the way!! DH says I can sew, but I can't even get to the machine, lol!!
I did get a UFO back from the quilter this last week, oh, good, another one to add to the needs binding pile! I will take a picture of it as soon as I get more batteries for my camera(which is why I have not been able to download all my pictures from SF yet either). I am going to stop for now and go to Target for the storage unit thingies, as well as Home Depot for hanging planters (only $4.99 each!!)Then I need to go to Joann for some interfacing, as I found the myriad of tee shirts I have been saving for *someday* to make a tee-shirt quilt for DD#2. I *promise* I will be back later and post more pictures.
What have you been up to this weekend??