So...I was working on the UQ and Aiden was helping! She actually fell asleep on the sewing machine! Cats, sheesh!

This was once I was sewing along and she was "getting comfy", she really made herself at home here!

Then she finally left and this morning Mosen decided to "help" so here he is "Helping" me design more of the UQ.

Not to be out done by those silly cats...Laxy joined in the fun and was keeping warm those blocks I had finished.

And just for you Jeanne, Jack. He got in on the UQ action this afternoon and was there long enough for me to snap this photo.

Just a quick shout out to Laurie at Quilting Rush, thanks for the blue fabrics!! I did not have any of them! To everyone else it is snowing like a --- here so try to stay warm and send me an email, I *need* to talk to you!
Thanks to Jack for sitting still long enough for a photo and to all your helpers for being so cute. Thanks to you for sharing their pictures. *S*
Aww it was lovely seeing the photos of all the cats and Laxy helping with the quilting. i have thought of you with this bad weather of snow and the cold.
That quilt is coming along beautifully xxx
Oh! I am laughing out loud over all of your furry helpers. What a funny crew. We have had such fun in the snow... I know it's easier to love one week of snow vs. months of it! I think we get one last dusting today, then it's time for us to start packing. Wish we were staying longer.
Cute! When Chesty gets tire of me being on the laptop, he lays his head on the keyboard and looks up at me.
Those are some HARDY boys practicing in the snow!
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