Wow!! Who knew how generous you all would be to me!! I asked for green and blue 6" squares for the"S" quilt and you certainly delivered!! These beauties came from Amy at the
Calico Cat. Thanks Amy!! I sent her some cat squares in return for the greens she sent to me.

Here are a few more from Amy.

Now then these fabulous blues came from Jeanne at
Luv 2 Stitch.

Jeanne also sent all these wonderful greens. I love it!

Now these beauties came from my newest blogland friend, Pat at
Bell Creek Quilts. Apparently she is a transplanted Wolverine and now lives in Badger territory (sorry for you). She was asking about my MSU fabric and we got to talking and I told her about our Big Ten quilt that we are always looking for fabrics for and lo and behold she sent me a yard of each of these wonderful Wisconsin fabrics! What a doll you are Pat, thank you. Last year that Big Ten quilt raised over $1500 for charity so the patient families at the U of M will appreciate your generosity also. (Hard to swallow the old Spartan pride, but thanks!) Let me know if you get in a pinch for the MSU fabrics. She even sent a cute little note!

Lastly, I wanted to show you all how great our green strings are turning out for the St. Patirck's quilt! This is just four I put together but there are a lot more. I think they are quite striking. The CL's liked them so much they asked if we could do them in another color (wonder who will design that quilt??)

My friend Ellen had given my some fat quarters in a tin and I found a pattern but (of course) I needed a few additional fabrics. They are not really "my" colors anyway so I was struggling with the whole thing. (Aqua, orange, green and brown) The print is kind of retro too so it was difficult to add to. I don't have anything like it in the old stash. So I went to JAF tonight and bought a little orange that should work. I will take photos tomorrow once I get some of it put together. If I don't like it I will just donate it. I need a quilt for the raffle too so...hmmmm maybe this will be the one!
I spent the day getting DD2 off to Co with her BF. They are staying with his sister in Denver and will go snowbording, ah to be young again! She was pretty excited. It necessitated several trips to stores to get "stuff" that needed to be gotten and packed for the trip. I hope they have fun and don't break anything important, those are some big mountains!
Glad all arrived always a tad worried that something might get wrecked on it way. Looks like you have a bit for greens/blues to add variety to the quilt...let me know if you need more greens along the way. Love the St. Paddy's strings...maybe a string Easter basket quilt is on the horizon for the CL's?
Oh I love the paddy strings quilt they are looking great and all the the projects too
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