I kept after it and I eventually go all 12 blocks made by midnight last night. I put it together this afternoon and even managed to put the first border on it. I wanted to put all the borders on but am a little short with the fabric I want to use for the outside one. I wanted the Mocha POSH paisley but I only have the green. The baby 's room is in brown and pink so I just ordered some.

I really like how this came out. I used a pale pink for the background. I went to JAF today and bought more of that for the back too. (fabric in will = fabric out in this case, whew!)

I really wanted to be able to give it to LTW but that is not going to happen.

Next up is the paisley one followed by an old baby star quilt that I began a long time ago. I made one when I first learned how to do this and cut a second one at the same time. I have a baby in mind for the newest actually the old, baby star too. I have to make 3 baby quilts so that would be 2 done when I get the star one finished!
Pictures of that soon too. I have to go back to work tomorrow and I have been off since before Christmas so I am not looking forward to that, but you do what you have to to keep in fabric, right?
Let me know what you think of the baskets! This is the first time I have made a basket quilt.
What a lucky baby to recieve this quilt! I love it. I have to work tomorrow and I only worked 2 days in the past 2 weeks. I think this will be the longest week in history.
Oh so pretty!! I love the fabric you chose and the baskets are just too adorable! Great job!!
Oh I love it I love the soft colours and the white, this will be so sweet when quilted.
Is this going to be handquilted or machinequilted?. i wish I could make quilts quickly like you, you get everything so sharp, clean cut and magic!! The basket pattern is lovely, the baby will be very lucky to recieve this quilt.
Very pretty! How do you do it so fast? It would take me a couple of years.... even if I put my mind to it!
Beautiful. Makes me anticipate spring!
A beautiful basket quilt! So soft and yummy! I love it!!!!
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