I decided to work on the baby quilt for my SIL's baby due in April. I am usning POSH by Moda charm squares and it is going quite quickly but ther eis a lot of trimming. I am making baskets. I will take photos tomorrow so you can see too. I may have to order some other fabrics for the borders. I am trying not to buy more fabrics but I think this really needs the POSH paisley for the outside border, either brown or pink. I have a yard of the brown but I think I will need more for the outside border. (The nursery is in pink and brown). I have 8 of the 12 blocks done.

I did order some fabric yesterday and it is green tree names on white and it is "In love with Nature by Susan Branch". I tried to order it from the Fat Quarter Shop (where I first saw it) but they are all out already. My DD2 had to take a class last year at MSU to learn to id all the trees in MI so I thought it would be fun to have for a quilt for her eventually. I am also considering a batik with the recycle symbol on it in green.
Love the fabric
It's great that your dad is still so active. Mine is riddled with Arthritis and is just about chair bound.
love and hugs Gina xxx
That is wonderful that you have your dad to enjoy! My mom is 90.
you are so lucky to have your dad who loves you and all of your kids love you too...you are truly blessed..
That is a lovely photo of you and dad and so great that he still keeps active and positive.
I cried all day when I went to see my parents for the day as I miss them so much with living far away but mum is learning to send emails to me now which is great. Parents are so special.
Nice to see you and to meet your Dad too.
I love this meet the family post, and of course reading about your quilting plans. I dread packing up my things... it takes forever to get it back in working order.
Wonderful photos of your family. I love the tree fabrics--now I'll have to find some too.
Such a great pic. My dad also 82 - he is also very fit and active. Is so precious to have these photos
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