I am going to get the business stuff out of the way first. Loser Monday:
I weighed in a whopping 2.8 pounds lighter this week!! That's a total of 8.8 pounds total lost so far. I'm pretty happy with that.
Stash Busting Report:
I was so sick that I didn't use much up. I am continuing to work on Karen and Cory's Anniversary quilt but won't estimate the yardage until it is finished. I did put all the cut pieces together and realized that I needed a few blocks of 2 colors so had to order 2 1/2 yard cuts, boo!!
So here is the report:
Added this week: 2 yards
Used this week: 0 yards
Used YTD: 40.5 yards
Now on to the rest of the weekend! I managed to finish the designer Mystery block 8. I like this one a lot!

My DD1 came home this weekend and she and my DH love to play WOW (World of Warcraft on their computers (I HATE this game, NEVER encourage anyone you care about to get involved, it is a total time suck!) Well, when DH plays on our regular computer, Autumn begs to be picked up and lays on him like you see her here.

This is the first time she has done this same thing while he was on his lap top!

How can they sleep like this??

Here is DD1 *trying * to play too, and Laxy is "helping" her out. The dog just loves her and follows her all over when she is home. she even cries and whines at the door anytime DD leaves the house. Poor Laxy, it's just us regular family from today on!

I leave you with this life imitating art photo. I just thought it was too cute with Autumn laying on the quilt below the cat laying on the quilt art done by NA Noel.

You should check out NA Noel's at, it's fabulous!
Well done on the weight loss. love the pet photos
love and hugs Gina xxx
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