Now on to the letter "V". I found the blog Infinity More Monkeys, by Jennifer recently and she is assigning people that want to play along a letter. You get your letter and have to list 10 things you love that begin with that letter. Mine is "V". So here goes.
1-Very crazy friends:
I went over to my friend Mary's house last night because it seems like it has been an age since we have seen each other. She and her DH have a condo in Fla and well, who wouldn't choose Florida over Michigan in the winter. But I digress. So I had a birthday gift for her (her bday was in Jan) and it was an Ohio State wine vest. Here is her DH modeling it for her!!
I love my crazy friends, helps with down time, (LOL, right Mary??)
Vicki is my older sister. I love her very much. Even though I hardly ever see her anymore. She was born mentally retarded and now suffers from several mental illnesses. She lives in a group home about 4 hours away from where I live.
I love violets and violas. They are such happy flowers. I love that they have faces and can grow anywhere. I have them all over my back yard! The violets invaded from the woods.
I love the sound of the violin. DD2 played it for many years. She is a sucker for that instrument and probably wishes she had not given it up. It's funny but I always think of her whenever I hear the violin. Her favorite music as a tot was the Nutcracker Ballet. And her favorite video was Fantasia (can you imagine a 3 year old watching that movie over and over??)
Just ask my family, I am a freak about vacuuming. I love my vacuum! (Actually I love DD1's vacuum the most, but someday I will own that kind).
I love Vikings. They are my heritage. Most of my family on both sides are from Sweden, with a little Irish and Welsh and Scottish. All the Celtic nations! I've posted about this before but Dupuytren's contracture:
A syndrome where your fingers curl up and a hard knot forms in the palm of your hand, is often found in people with Viking heritage. Both my grandfather and father had this. So we come from good Viking stock!!
OK, so what's not to love about velvet? It is so luxurious and fabulous. MMMMM, velvet!
The BEST reindeer ever or who I like to be sometimes, giggle!
I love, love, love vintage stuff. I have lots of vintage furniture at my house. I own a lot of vintage linens and a few vintage quilts. Vintage is awesome. (Will I be vintage since I am turning 50 this year??)
The BEST "V" word of all! Speaking of which, I am going to be going on vacation with LTW on Wednesday of next week. We will be at the Indiana Heritage Quilt Show from Wednesday until Saturday. I am so excited! We are both taking a class with Marsha McCloskey on Feathered Stars. LTW is in the 2 day class and I am in the 1 day class. I am really looking forward to the trip.
Anyway, I don't know how much I will be able to post while I am away so hopefully I will have some more posts before we leave but I will be sure to take lots of photos!!
Oh yes,a BIG thank you to Amy at The Calico Cat for helping me to learn how to upload from Flickr!!
Gosh, and you thought 'V' would be hard!? What a wonderful list, and how amazing the connections are that you have to such dear 'V' words and people. Lovely to have made this connection!
Well, that headline sure got my attention. I'm glad it did. Your blog made me laugh. Now I love the letter V too. Hope you have fun in Indiana. Happy Quilting.
I am offended Vespa is not on your list. :| *srsfase*
I love "No Arm" days.
I love your V's. Have a wonderful vacation. I am sure that you will.
oké, now you got me a headache 'cause I'm desperately searching my mind for English (or Dutch) words with a V that I like. I can't think of ONE SINGLE word!!( well except vacation, but that's because you allready mentioned that one) I'm going to get the dictionary and read all the V words...!
I forgot about my Jennifer letter, and you have made such an inspiring job with your V. Very vonderful!
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