Weigh in was on Friday and I lost 2.2 more pounds for a total of 6 pounds so far. uh...good think I don't weigh in on Mondays, LOL, the Superbowl food was too good. Although my stomach is really upset this day from last nights food. I need to stick to my regular diet!
Stash Busting Report. I need to do this tomorrow. I left my binder at home that has all the info in it! So, I will post that info tomorrow.
I put the borders on "My Neighborhood" this weekend on Saturday. Isn't it pretty? I will take it to LTW on Thursday after I show the CL's on Tues and the CHV ladies on Wed. I also drew each house for a pattern. There are 24 houses. I am going to get LTW to scan them and then I will post 2 each month for a BOM for all of you to do. I will get close ups of the houses I did so you can see what I did with them too. Sound like fun?
You can see that the cat inspector was hard at work to make sure each pattern was accurate. I had the house on my light box and Hallie wanted to make sure I was doing it correctly! Only the best for you guys!
I haven't talked much of the "S" quilt I wanted to make from the graduation squares I had from DD2's HS graduation (3 years ago now). I finally decided what I wanted to make with the squares. I designed a BIG block "S" to be done in the white squares. I then split the quit diagonally from the upper right corner to the lower left corner through the "S". The left side is done in all blue squares and the right is done in all green ones. Why you ask? Well she attended "S"alem high school and now attends "S"tate. Salem's colors are blue and white and State's are green and white. (I hope this makes sense!) I had laid it all out a few weeks ago and so I pulled it out on Sunday to see if I could finish it. Done!! Now I just need to make the back and get it to LTW. Again, I want to show the ladies so it will go with the other one on Thursday.
How was your weekend??
Well done on the weight loss.
Love how the quilt has turned out.
Love and hugs Gina xxx
Jim watched the American Football over the weekend and didnt get to bed til 3.30am lol.
I just fell asleep with my book of Fried Green Tomatoes...
I so love your house quilt and cant wait to have a go at the house pattern you have been telling us.
Your neighborhood quilt is too cute!!!!
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