Yesterday, Monday, I took LTW to the Lake Street Mercantile quilt shop. They were having a sale on red, white, and blue fabrics. I was bad, but she was badder! I bought a yard of the blue you see (teal really) and a half yard of that bicycle fabric. How many of you remember that bike? I had that Stingray bike with the banana seat and those handlebars. Mine was purple and the seat was sparkly. I may have to see if I can get a photo next time I'm at my dad's (yes, he still has that bike!)

Silly me, just ask LTW and it magically appears!!
I bought a pattern too but need to take a photo of it to post. It is the most adorable little birds. I have no idea why I am so suddenly smitten by birds (chicks, birds, owls, whatever!!)

Lest you think I was just pining away with out my Bernina (sniff, sniff, I MISS her) I was not. (Or not totally) I finished hand sewing around my chicks (the ones I didn't give out to the CL's to do) and I got all of mine finished. They will probably not be happy with me but whatever! I needed some hand work to do, right? They are not perfect but they got better as I went along. Here is how they are going to be set. Isn't this the cutest pattern?

I have quilting with the CL's tonight so will see how mad they are at me for finishing them. I just want them done so I can assemble this quilt and have it ready for the quilter ASAP. It is not due to it's home until next January, but I want to cross it off my list (wait, is it on my side bar list??) If it isn't I am going to add it so I can cross it off!! I actually have a second one made to do for myself so I should add that one too. *sigh* how does this list keep growning??
I love your Chubby Chicks! I have that pattern and hope to get it done one of these days. LOL
Lists grow by magic and voodoo!
Sounds like a fun time at the Lake Street Merchantile :)
I love those little chicks, too too cute!! The bicycle fabric is the BEST!
Love those chicks
love and hugs Gina xxx
Oh I love those dicky birds and the gorgeous green. Youre hand stitching is great you have nothing to worry about.I love bird patterns and ideas too they sort of grow on you.
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