Some of these are from JAF, and I bought 1/2 yd cuts. Some were from Jennifer's Quilt Shop and those 3 I bought FQ's of. The last 2 were from Hobby Lobby and I bought 1 yd of the aqua(could have bought only 1/2 yd) and 3 yards of the aqua with the brown flowers.(which I only used on the back because I found it too late!)
I cut 5" squares of all 20 fabrics, and made 39-9 patch units. I tried to make equal numbers of 5 brown/4 aqua and 5 aqua/4 brown 9 patches. I then cut the 9 patch into 7" quarters. I randomly joined the quartered blocks and set them 12 x 13. The first border was a 2" aqua border. The second border was that brown fabric in the lower right hand corner of the first sheet cut into 3.5" strips. The next border was left over 5" squares (I cut some extra so I could make what I liked for the 9 patches) cut in half and joined end to end. They fit with one cut in half at one end, but you might want to measure and pin to make sure. I am not sure of how many of those I used and the quilt is out of my hands so I can't even count them right now. Then one more 3.5" border matching the first 3.5" border and now you are finished!
I decided to use the rest of the fabrics for the back rather than purchase any additional fabric. I did not have much fabric left over. You can see in the scrap bag. The quilt top finished 98" X 104" and since my friend has a king sized bed this is perfect for her. Here are my scribbles as I was frantically trying to figure it all out last night.
If any of you decide to try it let me know.
I saw my friend, Cori, last night too. she owns the online shop Crazy Girl Quilts and sells Moda cut goods. I bought these turnovers and I love them. She is trying to get me to write up my patterns and she is willing to sell them in her shop. What do you all think about that?? Should I take the leap?
This is another "small" project I decided to squeeze into my "to do" list (Like I need any more, right?) I took the left overs from the anniversary quilt and made some 9 patches and cut them up and ended up with this. I am going to make a smaller quilt, wall hanging really, for Karen's mom and poppy in Brazil to remember their wedding. I think it will go quickly. My biggest problem is that I have zero of the colored fabric left to make any kind of border with. I am going to dig through the true "scrap" and see if I can make a thin colored border and then use white for the first inner and then the outer border. If not, the border will just be white. I suppose I could cut some of the blocks back up smaller and use those, I don't know yet. *SIGH* I will be grappling with that tonight. I did manage to get a little (and I mean a little) off the back of the big quilt but mostly white there too! I really don't have anything in the stash that will go with these prints either. Well, I will figure something out! I like this part of the designing process!!
YES! you should give it a go and just see where it takes you!!!!
(But don't forget to make a quilt for yourself in the midst of this all) I can see it clearly: Pam the designer! It's great you're given this opportunity. Go girl!!
Go for it, you're a natural!
I have those Swanky turnovers! I got them to do Monica's quilt that's on the Moda Bake Shop blog. I also just got some more yardage of Swanky - I love Swanky.
You should definitely go for the pattern making! You'll do great.
Absolutely go for it. You'll do great!
I love my GO Cutter because I can cut all these fun jelly rolls, turnovers, charm packs from my own stash....One of these days, I'm going to schedule a whole week in the sewing room doing nothing but cutting out some kits.
Go for it!!! You won't regret it.
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