mmmmm...doesn't this look yummy? It sure was!
Once we arrived at the lake his whole family was there. One of his sisters brought cupcakes and we all sang to him. His parents were there from Florida as they are home for the summer. We also got to meet our newest niece Evelyn during this trip. It was a fun day! Happy birthday honey!
Sunday I decided I needed to choose a project to work on. So I chose this lone star that I had begun in a class 2 summers ago (wow was it really that long ago??) I chose that amazing dragon fabric for DD1 and her favorite color is purple, so there you go. I was trying to decide what to do for the back and she said, "I don't want a plain dragon back, can't you piece it like the aqua and brown one?" ARGH! I *can* but I didn't really want to. In the end I did piece it and had zero purple left over and very very little of the dragon fabirc either. I was not sure I was going to be able to make a back big enough with what I had left over. This quilt is 81" X 91". I had enough of the dragon fabric to make the binding too and the rest went to the scrap bin. (See Annemiek, I do really use lots of fabric when I am quilting! This took over 12 yards).
This meant that I had 2 empty project boxes in my LR that I promptly filled with projects that were in a bag in the LR. I have decided that once they hit the project box they are "next" on the hit list. At least that's my plan. Now that being said, there are 2 projects that are not in a project box that I really need to do first, one is a Halloween quilt cut out by my friend Ellen for my birthday last year and a Christmas quilt I cut out 2 years ago and gave one to her. Eventually!
Then on Monday I thought now what am I going to work on? I had received the final block for the Designer BOM from the FQ shop so thought I would make those. Here is block 11.
Here is block 12. I also got out the finishing kit and did all the cutting for that too.
As if this was not enough the Swanky turnovers were looking at me saying, "You know you want to play with me", and they were right. So I got my Kona white bolt out and cut out some white triangles to use with the turnover. I am going to use 2 turnovers and do this pattern. I got all the HST sewn for one turnover (80) and this is the layout I want to use.
The lacrosse banquet is tonight and then I just have one more parent meeting to go to and that is over too. I am so thankful that is coming to a close. Too much drama for me! I heard from DD2 who is in the Galapagos Islands and she is having a blast. Told me it was her dream trip! She is swimming with the sea lions, biking to the caldera of a volcano and snorkeling in the lava tunnels with the marine iguanas! I can't wait to see all her photos when she gets home.
I hope you all had a good weekend too. What did you do?
Maybe she will run into Jane Fonda, who is also on the island. Very strange that I am reading two blogs of such different interest and Galapagos Islands comes up. Both parties are seeing the most wonderful things!!!
Happy Birthday to your dear hubby. Love the lone of my favorite patterns. The blocks are all great. And finally, kudos on emptying two project bins!!!
Happy Birthday to your hubby! I need to know what vitamins you take. Do you take extra vitamin Q or what??? LOL! I don't get that much done in a month! Your projects look great. I'm glad dd is having a good time, she'll remember it her whole life.
You did some great stash reducing and Lotte and I need to stop teasing you with the amount of yards you own. Nevertheless I can't help myself really laughing out loud when you wrote that you took your BOLT of white fabric out!
Happy birthday to your DH. Counting down on yours???
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